a note.

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Hey, yeah hey.

It's me, BooksAreNice.

Here's a note: If you don't like what I write, that is okay. If it makes you upset, then do not read it, or you can go home and complain about how it sucks, either way, I don't, won't, and never will care. What I write isn't cute or adorable, so if that's your cup of tea, then this will definitely be your shot of whiskey.


on a happier note, thanksss soooooo much for all of these votes and support. it truly makes me happy to see people relate or appreciate (rhyme queen) my work, I LOVE YOU ALL. <3

Don't be a ghost, if you like When She Was Happy then say something, I don't bite, unless you smell like vanilla. :)

Bye, yeah bye.

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