I Hear You

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I Hear You.

"She's ugly, vermin, nothing but walking fat.

she smells like a dead frog and looks like a rat

we said it once and we'll say it again

She will never ever ever have any friends.

She's ugly and stupid, she's so horribly fat

 we don't like her and that's a fact."

I hear you, your rhymes, your insults. So why do you quiet when I turn to you with tears?

You're only my classmates so why do you whisper in the halls when I walk by?

"She's a troubled child, I'm glad she's just my student and not my kid,

her parents must be so ashamed."

I hear you, your pity, your disappointment. So why do you hug me and comfort me when you say these honest things when you think I'm not around?

You're my teachers, you're suppose to teach me new things so why do you whisper things I already know about myself to each other?

Stop whispering, I can hear all of you. Whispering, whispering the truth.



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