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Being psychic is a wonderful gift that each and every one of us processes. If anyone ever tells you that you are weird, strange or a freak then, just ignore them. Do not pay attention to their negative words, accusations, fears and doubts. Do not let these people make you feel anything less than worthy. Remember you are NOT weird but gifted! You are NOT a freak but beautiful inside and out! You are NOT evil but serving God as only you know how. Your six senses ARE heightened and you ARE psychic. You ARE in tune with all that is around you. YOU connect with the planet on a deeper level. YOU connect with loving guides and angels. Your gifts ARE real and you ARE special. The truth is that we ARE all psychic and so ARE all the animals. Repeat this mantra over and over to yourself each morning, noon and night for as long as you feel you need to. Say each word with meaning and love, then notice how positive you feel. “I AM NOT WIRD, I AM GIFTED.”

God has blessed each and every person with psychic gifts. He hopes that we will use our gifts for good. He hopes that we will make a positive difference to our planet and the lives of others, by using our gifts for good and to spread light. God wants us to help raise the vibration of our beautiful planet. The more the vibration of our planet raises the more negative entities and energy is being removed. There is a constant battle between good and evil. As fast as people spread love to the planet, there is the negative that is spreading hatred and negativity - especially in this day and age. God needs our help more than ever now to heal and to save our planet and souls. He needs our help to help others among us to grow spiritually and spread light. As I mentioned above, every single living thing has wonderful psychic gifts. Some people are just more aware of their gifts than others. Many people do not even realise that they have them.

These gifts are called psychic powers or six sensory gifts. Being psychic does NOT mean that you are better than anyone else. It does NOT mean that you are powerful or different. Remember that every thing is psychic. You are psychic, your family, friends and pets are psychic. Some people’s gifts are just stronger than others and their senses and more heightened. We can all learn to grow spiritually and to develop our gifts. God wants us to use our gifts to reach out to others and help in any way we can. If we all learnt to use and heighten our gifts then, we can all send love and light to the planet. In this day and age there is a great deal of hatred in the world. You only have to turn on the news or read the paper to see how much hatred is around. There are constant wars going on. Bullying is everywhere and so is animal cruelty. People treat others horribly and in unkind ways.

There are many rapes, murders, litter and pollution. The world needs light and love to help get us through these trying times. A psychic has the special job of trying to help those in need. Our purpose is not to get famous and rich, but to try and make a positive difference. By growing spiritually and using our gifts for good, we are helping to raise the vibration of our planet and others. We are helping to spread love and light to the world. As we grow spiritually we learn to love our planet more. We learn how to care for those in need and how to best to help others. If we all grew more spiritually then the world would be a much happier place to live. People would care more for animals and nature. There would not be as many wars as people would learn to live in peace and love. Basically, what being psychic means is having all of your senses heightened, having gifts to help others and helping towards raising the vibration of our planet.

Many people think that we only have 5 senses. What they do not realise is that we actually have 6 senses. These are below…





TOUCH – Also known as FEELING


People forget that there is a 6th sense. This is an important sense and is probably one of the most important ones. The 6th sense is something that we all use each day. It is what we use when making important decisions, making choices, when meeting new people and going about our daily business. The 6th sense is our intuition, our gut instincts and knowledge. It is a large part of who and what we are. With out our 6th sense we would not be able to tell if a person is good or bad. We will find it very difficult to make important choices and decisions. We would find it difficult to know if we are in danger or not.

Our psychic gifts are made up of our 6 senses being strong and heightened. A person who is able to hear spirits and angels has a heightened sense of hearing. This is why they find it easier to hear spirit when others can’t. Their hearing is so strong that they can pick out sounds that others can’t hear. If a person’s sense of sight is heightened, then they will easily see angels and spirits. Everyone is different and each person has different heightened senses. You may have a very good sense of smell where your brother might have a good sense of touch. Everyone is unique and different. The good news is that we are all able to learn how to heighten all of our wonderful senses. So being psychic generally means having heightened senses and being able to spread love and light to our planet. Just like our senses are so natural and normal so is being psychic. It is a natural part of what make you, YOU!

There are a lot of people who are afraid of the word, ‘PSYCHIC’. The reason that they are afraid is because they do not understand it. It is sad but true that we humans are afraid of what we do not understand or know. These people are afraid of psychics and of the unknown. Because of their lack of understanding and unwillingness to open their hearts to other possibilities, they feel that psychics evil. The truth is that they themselves are psychic – just they do not yet realise that they are. If you have very strong senses then you will find that you will experiences strange and bizarre things. You may see or hear things that no one else can. This can be quite daunting and frightening.  Some children are fortunate enough to have people around them, whom they can talk to about the things they experience. Other children are not as lucky as they don’t have anyone to talk too.

We adults are the same. Some of us have people whom we can speak with about the experiences we have. Some people do not have anyone so go through life feeling fearful as they do not understand why theY are having the experiences that they have. If you are one of those people who do not have anyone to speak to then, you will find this book to be enlightening and eye opening. It can be daunting, scary and hard having to deal with being psychic on your own. It may make you feel that you are different to everyone else. You may feel that no one understands you or that people think you are strange and weird. You may go through life wondering if there is something wrong with you.

You may even feel that you need counselling or to be put away in to a home for people with mental issues. Not understanding why you experience the things that you do can be frightening. It can be a lonely time in your life where you are unsure of whom you can turn too. I understand this as I too once had no one to talk too. I too did not realise what was happening to me. It was only when I was in my 20’s that I realised that I was psychic. Learning this all important information and how to deal with being psychic was a revelation for me. Suddenly this bubble of smoke and cloud that once surrounded me burst. Light was able to flood in and everything made perfect sense. All fears seemed to wash away at the realisation that I was safe, not alone and that there are others who understand. I would like to help you to know that you are NOT weird or different. You are normal like everyone else. In fact you are lucky because your senses are so strong. There are lots of people out there who work extreamly hard to heighten their senses. You are already there as yours are already heightened. I understand that it can be frightening seeing spirits and hearing them. I know that your dreams can be vivid, intense and dramatic. I know that you can feel things that seem strange or odd. I understand your fears and deep craving to understand and be understood. I know and understand because I am just like you. You are NOT ALONE on this path that you travel!

“When I was a little girl I was terrified of all that I could hear, see and feel. The reason I was so afraid is because I did not understand what was happening or why I was having these experiences. I was afraid as I thought that the things I heard and saw were negative and wanted to harm me. Now that I am older I have learnt that all those things I used to see, feel and hear were not bad at all. In fact they were very good. They were actually my spirit guides and angels as well as spiritual entities that needed my help. They only seemed scary because I did not know what they were – remember humans are afraid of what they do not understand and know. These were spirits that were trying to talk to me because they needed my help. They wanted me to help them and their loved ones who were still living. They knew that I could hear them so they were trying to pass on important messages for me to give to their loved ones.

I learned that these spirits were not bad at all. All they wanted was me to help them and their loved ones. I am like a messenger or a post woman. The spirits give me important messages for me to then pass on to their loved ones.  It is a lovely job to have being a post woman for the spirits. It makes others happy to know that their loved ones are still with them, even if they have passed away. It helps people to find comfort and brings them peace of mind. It also helps the spirits to feel more at peace. So as you can see you could be a spirit post man or post woman – people call this gift mediumship.

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