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Bodies surrounded me. I tried to pull away, a soothing hand pushed me down, wrapped around me, the body moved closer, enough for me to know it was male.

"Shh, sleep."

His arm curled around my waist. Holding. Protecting. A female body snuggled closer on my other side, another body laid over the female and myself, I could feel another body by my feet. For the first time since I could remember, I actually felt protected.

Family. Pack. Pride. Flight.

Love. Care. Protection. Warmth.


Darkness sucked me under.

Ma jaless, are you better?

We were in a cave this time. It was warm. Filled with diamonds of different shapes: roses; dragons; cats; birds; horses; a knight on a warhorse, but most were shapeless. I could understand why the cave was filled with these, they were beautiful.

Better than before. How come it went away so fast?

Our vabyr'ban is a lorethven... a healer. He will look after us. When we killed the ungol... the spider, he bit us. It seems that he was a rarity, having two different types of venom instead of one.

I never did understand, why did he give us the information so easily?

She chuckled, a light, yet deep rumble from her throat. We are part silver, mia jaless.

I didn't reply. I didn't understand what being part silver had to do with it. As though she read my mind, which she probably did, she answered.

Silver dragons offer safety, protection, love and peace. And that is why the Valishar could not do what we did. We could because we are part white, it allowed us to kill the ungol once our silver side had offered protection from those he wanted it from.

And killing him was giving him freedom from this life.

Exactly, mia jaless.

I laid there, curled against her side on the diamonds that would make me the richest person on the planet if I ever parted with them. I knew I wouldn't, I liked the way they'd been put carelessly, yet precisely. I liked the way that the Arctic sun shined into the cave and made rainbows dance using the diamonds.

Come, mia jaless, think it is time for us to complete our bond.

I shifted to the side so that she could stand. Complete? How?

Do not worry, mia jaless, I won't let anything hurt you unless it is necessary.

Believing her on that fact, I stood and followed as she left the cave. We walked out into the open, I felt something slide across my eyes as the sun hit them.

Dragon's have three inner and one outer eyelid. She explained. The innermost protects the eye from the wind in flight. The other two keep the eye clean and protect the eye from bright light. The outer is leathery, and is used as a humans eyelids are used.

But their clear.

Think of them as... advanced sunglasses.

We came to stop in front of a cave with symbols engraved into the rocks. The cave wasn't deep, I could see the end, which held a bowl that had been carved from the rocks. She nudged me to go first since it wasn't going to be wide enough for me to walk next to her.

It was only after I reached the bowl and she'd followed me in, that I realised how unprotected her back was.

Claws stabbed into my back. An echo of pain sounded through out the cave, I watched as she dived her head into the bowl that was filled with water, and drank some before being ripped out.

Drink! she commanded.

Help her or drink. Help her or drink. Help her or drink. Drink then help!

Scooping some of the water into my hands, I drank it quickly... Ahhhhh! I wasn't sure who screamed as fire burnt me alive and the other ripped onto my dragon even more, into me.

A silver, white light poured from the bowl, wrapping around me, seeking my dragon, seeking my other, seeking me.

A dragon poured out from bowl, following the light. He looked at me with his silver eyes, then his head shot towards where my dragon was being torn apart. His roar of pain and dread hit my ears. I watched as he moved quickly, moved to save my dragon, save me.

The shadow clawed into us. Trying to kill one body before two became one. But it would not succeed, we would make sure. A fire raced down my spine, echoed sounds of pain left our mouths. Leaving us vulnerable to the shadow.

We heard our vabyr'ban roar in pain and dread that we may die. Many had while trying to complete the bond between dragon and human bodies. The only way to survive was to either have blood-family or a vabyr'ban near by. We had no blood-family but we had our vabyr'ban.

Kicking out did nothing. We knew polymorphing would not help us, because dragons were the largest, and if we became smaller, the shadow would eat us. Instead, we called the wind to our aid, pulling our vabyr'ban and the snow to us more quickly.

The snow reached us first. Hitting us and the shadow, but it did not affect us, we were made for the snow. However, our vabyr'ban was not, and we needed him more. Releasing the snow and wind, we allowed our vabyr'ban to help us.

Our vabyr'ban flew at the shadow that had stuck on our back since it had started it's attack, he knocked the shadow off our back, as the silver and white light hit us.

A fire, hotter than before burned us alive. We fell, feeling the wind whoosh past us as gravity had it's way. And darkness swept over us.


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