Home Again

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Then, it was as if everything disappeared. The feeling of Allistor's lips left mine. The sounds of the forest that had turned into background noise, ceased. Everything just disappeared into darkness.

"(y/n)," someone calls.

I could feel someone shaking me. I hum as my eyes flutter open. Everything was blurry for a bit as my eyes focused on the world around me. I was back in the library and Carson was standing next to me shaking my shoulder.

"W-" I try to say but am interrupted by a yawn. "What is it?"

"You fell asleep," Carson says. "For almost an hour. I thought you'd might like to wake up so you can go."

I nod sitting up. I glanced down at the book I had fallen asleep on. A book about Scotland's myths and legends. The dream about Allistor or Scotland came back to me, as I stared at the book. Had it all been just a dream or did it really happened? It seem like it actually happened. I mean I could feel everything and that doesn't usually happen in a dream.

Sighing I get up from my chair and head to put away the book.

"How dare you!" A loud voice exclaims.

"Just shut up," another says. It sounds strangely familiar.

"No! Why are you even here?" the other person, a guy demands to know.

I peek around the bookshelf wondering who was causing such a ruckus in the library. Standing there was England from Hetalia not only that, but Scotland as well. My eyes widen in recognition as I quickly hide back behind the shelf.

Shaking my head I dismiss the thought of him actually knowing about the dream I had of him. It couldn't have been real and he wouldn't know about it.

"Ya know what," Allistor says. "I'm out of here."

"Good," Arthur huffs.

I quickly put the book back in it's spot and turn around, only to knock into someone.

"Sorry," I told the person not looking up.

"(y/n)?" the person asks.

My head shoots up. Standing there was Allistor.

A smirk makes it's way onto his face.

"We've got to stop meeting like this lass," he says.

I huff, "Shut up. Wait, do you remember?"

Allistor nods.

"So it wasn't a dream?"

"I'm not too sure either, lass. I just woke up from a nap with a feeling that I needed to come here, and I did only to find you," Allistor tells me. "And I'm glad I found you, lass."

"Really?" I ask smirking myself.

"Yes," he says leaning down to my height. "I do believe we were interrupted."

Smirking, his lips crash down on mine, bringing me into another sweet, love filled kiss.

*3rd person*

Carson giggles as she watches her friend get kissed by her true love.

"What are you doing?" a monotone voice asks making Carson turn around.

"Hi, Lukas," Carson greets waving before going back to spying on her friend who was walking out with Allistor smiling. "Just playing matchmaker. Arthur was complaining about how Allistor wouldn't leave him alone and needed a girlfriend. So ta da!"

"Is this why you needed those ingredients from me?" Lukas asks crossing his arms. Carson nods smiling at her stoic teacher.

"Yup, sorry teacher," she apologizes not looking sorry in the least bit. "But aren't you proud of me! I did it right."

Lukas nods a ghost of a smile on his face.

"You did well," he informs his student. "But next time add less of the minced toadstools. You added a little too much which is why they woke up at different times."

"Noted," Carson says before sitting back down. "Now if you excuse me I'm going to return to my reading."

"No you don't," Lukas says taking her book.

"What? Why?"

"You still have cleaning to do at my place. You messed up the last potion you did there and now you're on cleaning duty."

"Aw but Lukas-!"

"No buts, clean."

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