Mama Bear

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Thank you to all you who have favored this story. I'm glad your enjoying it. Sorry I don't have a set update schedule. I'll try to be more on top of it. Also don't feel afraid to comment. I enjoy reading comments people have to say, even if they're random and crazy. Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter. 


I sneak back into the kitchen after a somewhat difficult ride back to the castle. I mean trying to not drop the cake and hang onto a saddleless horse is difficult. As I put the cake on a plate I could hear my dad and the clans singing about Luciano. I decided to add some tea, since the cake would have a disgusting flavor if I remember correctly. Placing the tea, I make sure the plate looks presentable and the silverware is in its place.

I pick up the plate then to give it to mother, when speak of the devil, she walks into the kitchen.

"(Y/n)!" Mother exclaims.

"Mom" I reply kinda shocked. I stumble over my words trying to say something. "Oh uh... I, um..."

Mother pays no mind to my stutters and keeps talking, "Oh, I've been worried sick!"

" were?" I ask. Did she really worry about me?

"I didn't know where you'd gone or when you'd come back. I didn't know what to think. Oh, look at you dress." More looks me over and sees my dress dirty and torn even more.

"Oh, Angus threw me," I tell her but quickly add, "But I'm not hurt."

"Well, you're home now, so that's the end of it."

"Honestly?" Does she really mean I don't have to do this whole marriage thing? Cause that'd be great.

"I've pacified the lords for now. You're father's out there 'entertaining' them." Mother smiles at the thought of what dad is doing to "entertain" them. "Of course, we both know a decision still has to be made."

What? She's really still on about this? Okay I guess I have no choice. I kinda was hoping she had given up about the whole betrothal thing. I guess not. I turn and pick up the plate with the spell cake. I give a bit of a strained smile holding out to her.

Mother looks taken back. "What's this?"

"It's a peace offering. I made it," I lie. "For you. Special."

Mother takes the plate and looks at me a bit confused.

"You made this for me?" She asks and I nod. Mother takes a small, dainty bite of the cake. She hms at first, but then her face twists. "Oh. Interesting flavor."

"How do you feel?" I ask.

Man she's going to feel so bad in a few minutes. I kinda don't feel bad about doing this to her, knowing I'll get of the marriage in the end. Though there's still a part of me that feels bad for putting her through this, but oh well.

"What...what is that?" Mother asks trying to place the flavor. I'm not even sure if it has one. It must be really bad though.

"Different?" I continue not answering.

"Tart, and um...gamy!" Mother continues, but suddenly places the plate down trying to not be sick.

"Have you changed your mind at all about the marriage and all that?" I press.

Mother takes a drink of the tea on the tray and gargles it in her mouth to get rid of the taste of the tart. She swallows, turning back to me.

"Oh, that's better," mother says mostly to herself. "Now, why don't we go upstairs to the lords and put this whole kerfuffle to rest?"

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