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[A month later]

"Hello Mr. Yook you can stand here and watch the show~ or you can go join the fans in the crowd," the staff said.

"I think we will go sit with the fans," I said and took Nabi's hand

"Okay then the fans are in the middle seating area the first 6 rows will be EXO-L's, you will probably know who they are because they will greet you," he continued, I nodded and went out to the seating area for fans.

"Annyeonghaseyeo," I greeted as I passed the fans, when EXO-L saw me they all cheered and greeted me.

"Annyeong everyone how are you doing?" I asked, and they cheered happily

"Did you all eat yet?" I asked, and some said yes and some said no

"Aigoo those who haven't, make sure to eat after the recording," I said and looked for an empty seat.

"Oppa here is an empty seat," a girl said I smiled and thanked her and went to sit down. I placed Nabi on my Lap so she could see the stage.

Then EXO came out, and we cheered along with the fans, when their performance ended they thanked their fans for coming.

"I should probably go back now," I said and got up

"Everyone get home safe and stay warm~ and go eat after this okay?" I said and got replied with them screaming Yes in return indicating they will.

I went backstage to EXO's waiting room and as I walked, I greeted other artists as well until I finally got there.

I entered seeing they are getting ready to leave.

"Hello~," I said, and they all greeted back I walked over to Sehun when Nabi ran to Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

"Hello~ you looked great on stage," I said and kissed his cheek.

"Hmm I knew you were watching, so I tried even harder," he said with a smile

"Aww such a good boyfriend, your fans are nice I sat with them," I said with a smile

"See there is nothing to worry about," he said

"Okay lovebirds save it for your date! We are taking Nabi back to the dorm~ did you bring her bag Sung?," Suho asked

"Ne hyung it's in my car, I will give it to you when we go out," I said

After that we left well me and everyone else excluding Sehun left he wanted to change his clothes.

"Here you go hyungs! I will see you all later tonight," I said with a smile

"We will after Nabi well so don't worry okay? Just go enjoy your date night with Sehun," Xiumin said, and I nodded

I waited a bit for Sehun to come out and kept chatting to the hyungs until he was there.

We had a date tonight for the first time in three weeks, they have been preparing for their comeback so we didn't get to spend a lot of time together.

"Okay, I'm here hyungs go home and rest" Sehun said shooing his hyungs away, they laughed and said goodbye and then left

"So where are you taking me Mr. Oh?" I asked

"Well Mr. Yook we are going for lunch and then we are going to the movies," he said happily.

He leads the way to the restaurant we are going to, I was nice not too fancy which I liked. We both ordered our food and just waited for it while chatting and holding hands.

"Ah this feels nice" he said with a smile

"It really does," I replied

Soon enough our food came and we ate occasionally feeding one another our own food until we were done, we paid for our food and went to a movie, at first we didn't know what to watch so we closed our eyes and picked one and decided on watching it.

Our date came to an end the moment we walked into EXO's dorm, the day was nice it was nice spending time with the man I love and just going out on a date with him, sure there were a few fans who spotted us but they didn't disturb us, I even heard one say to her friend to not go up to us because we are probably on a date and don't want to be disturbed

At first when I agreed to this I thought it would be hard to get together or even go out in public, but I was wrong, his fans are nice and if they see my on the street they greet me, my taekwando classes are also going a lot better because of this

Everything turned out for the better in the end sure I lost my apartment and have to live with my Cousin but it's okay, it's nice to have someone to tell my troubles to when I get home and to just talk to in general.

And Exo have been great for Nabi, they give her a lot of love, and when we go to the company so do the other artists. The female staff and artists of SM play a big role in Nabi's life.

I also told Nabi that Haru was actually her mom, and she told me she knew but thought there was a reason for it so she didn't want to hurt me by bringing it up.

Everything changed since that Fansign event and it was totally worth going to because I found the love of my life again and now we are together.



Hello everyone, this finally came to an end. Sorry if it isn't that good. I had writers half way through writing this but I didn't want to leave it unfinished I also didn't want to delete it so I just continued writing even if it made this worse than it already was.

But thank you for reading it and putting up with my errors, I appreciate it.

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