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" Thank you for supporting your children, nephews, nieces, and grandchildren on their graduation day. "

I take a deep breathe in and lick my lips. It took me two days to write the speech and I'm ready to get it off my chest.

"Life is about choices. Everyday we have a choice whether to stay in bed or to get up and face what life brings us. I had a choice of being here today or not to come.

The reason I chose to be here is to shed some light on the choices that were made the past four years by my peers.

You may look at me right now and see that I am no longer a pushover nerd. I no longer wear t shirt and jeans , I no longer have my hair in a pony tail. You see I am dressed today how I know myself. Proud, proud that I am adopted . Proud that my mom is a famous fashion designer. I am proud that my father is an actor. But what I am more proud of is the fact I get the privelage of giving this speech about the choices your precious children have had these past four years.

For the past four years my peers chose to bully me. They chose to hurt me physically and emotionally. They chose to make fun of my looks, and make fun of my life.

They were the ones who called me names because I was adopted. They were the ones who didn't care what happened to me.

I was at a breaking point ... One summer i had to be sent to a special camp because I was bullied to a point with no end I was willing to kill myself. "

Taking a breather I looked at the astonished faces. Some sympathy other just pure shock. Zane was shocked with a mix of sympathy and regret. Cindy was laughing and Trey looked guilty.

"Yes, I tried to commit suicide, I also developed an eating disorder but when I fainted I had to make myself eat to get better. There were many nights I just wanted to dissapear.

When I made friends I thought everything was better. We hung out all the time. They had my back and I had theirs.

My best friend was a life saver she was there for me when I needed comfort from the many bullies that were my peers.

Some of your parents don't have a clue what you did to me, so today I am here to tell your parents your choices you made when you bullied me.

I was invited to the yearly sleepover my freshman year ... The cheerleaders were over it . I was stupid to believe they wanted me there. When I showed up they stripped me naked and took pictures of me. Only to be printed and hung up around the school. .... I didn't attend school for two weeks because of that.

The computer geeks. You would think they would sympathize with me but no. They hacked my phone and found any embarrassing emails sent to my best friend and forwarded them to the entire school. "

Closing my eyes I prepared myself for the rest of the speech. Looking up I seen parents with tears in there eyes.

"Some may say I was not noticed but really i was noticed. The teachers did not help they just said kids will be kids.

My junior year in gym class while changing the football team stole my clothes after i showered making me wear a towel back to my locker to retrieve my extra clothes.

You would think after years of bullying I would be used to it . Well I'm not. I may be smart, but now I'm strong too. I have been pushed, my hair pulled, slapped stabbed by pencils humiliated, and the lists goes on.

I am standing in front of you letting you know your precious children are only cold Hearted monsters. That made my life a living hell."

Turning my heads towards the teachers they all looked down to the floor know full aware they are part to blame.

"Choices were made, every day. This past year was the worst yet. I found out my so called friends pranked me on prom night. I got dressed up to reveal my true self not as frizzy Izzy but as Isabella. I was waiting for my date when he never showed just to show up at prom seeing my friends making out with each other and laughing at me.

That night I thought I had a knight in shining armor or a friend at least. Turns out it was a lie all along.

I'm standing here in front of you today to make sure it is know that your choices have consequences, that the. Person you bully make fun of and call names, will rise to who they truly are and get revenge. "

Holding onto the podium where I was currently shaking I release a slow breathe .

"Being bullied will not define me, it will make me stronger. When i come back to this town I hope you are ready because once i come back you will regret ever making fun of me.

Thank you all. "

With that I walked away form the stage down the aisle where my peers sat astonished, crying, regretful eyes, and guilty consciences.


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