Chapter Twelve

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Alrighty roo. Well, here's the next chapter :) Sorry it has taken me so long to get it up. I've recently started a second job, so my life has just gotten a little more chaotic. Anywho, enjoy this one :)

Never had he found himself so close to those terrible weapons of feminine artillery.


"I'm sorry Kit. I truly am! But he thought himself cuckholded, and I could not allow him to believe such a thing."

I nearly died in both surprise and fear when Westover seized me by my shirtsleeves and pulled me in through the window. My eyes went wide and my mouth went dry as he stood towering over me. Then, as I was sure he was going to murder me there at that moment, I saw his lips twitch and he extended his hand to help me stand.

"Miss Langdon, my wife has spoken of your situation, and while you might believe I do not remember you, I do, and quite well. And she has endeared me to your cause."

I stared at him blankly and then looked to Reggie who nodded with a smile. "But what about Sutherland? You won't tell him will you?"

Westover shook his head. "No, that will be for you to do. I will not take part in what is between the two of you."

Before another word was said of the matter, Reggie clapped her hands and proclaimed that all was settled. "Now let us prepare you for the ball," she announced as she ushered her husband from the room.

Once gone, I turned to her, my look questioning. "Did he truly believe you were cuckholding him?"

She nodded, and we both laughed at the absurdity. Though I had only recently come back into her life, I knew at once that she loved her husband and that their marriage as in fact a love-match, with the additional benefit of bringing monetary gain from the groom.

"Oh Kit, I am truly sorry you had to find out like that, though it was not as if I had a choice. When I told him to go on before me, he became suspect and questioning. He planned to wait for your arrival and call you out."

"It is all right, Reggie. Actually, his knowledge may aid my cause and help me avoid climbing down from that blasted tree outside of your window," I said with a smile. I could not be angry with her for telling her husband. That her husband should be as understanding as she, only made me even more glad to call her friend.

"Good, I am so glad you are not angry. Now, let us get you ready." She pulled me over to her dressing room and enlisted her maid, Tess, to help me dress. The fabric felt like heaven agaimst my skin, as the feel of silk had long been absent from my attire.

Once the stays were tightened, unwillingly at that, and the back buttoned, I was led to the vanity, where Tess attempted to make something of my hair.

It was too short to curl into a fashionable coiffure, but long enough that Tess could make do with pins and a few loose curls around my face. The final image was not one that would be considered fashionable by the current standards, but Reggie proclaimed that I would soon be setting the new height of fashion, and soon all the ladies would be wearing their hair in such a style.

I laughed at this. "If ladies began cutting their locks, many of them indeed would make very poor looking boys." Reggie in turn barked with laughter.

"Oh lud, I've missed you all of these years. I am so happy that you have returned." I was happy as well, though I was unsure as to how long my time with her would last. Nonetheless, I did not voice this, but simply nodded with a smile.

Before we could speak more, there was a knock at the door, signaling that it was time to depart for the ball. "Ready?" she asked.

"As I will ever be," I told her as she took hold of my arm and led me to the hall.

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