Chapter 3: Siblings like Mine

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The next morning after I had my daily feeding of blood, I got washed up and dressed. Not to mention, I had my annual argument with my mother for choosing to talk to the demon kid she hates so much. Honestly, I can't believe I forgot to ask what his name was again. I was just so into our conversation that I didn't think to ask him what his name was. Before I could even talk to him again, I had to go into town to gather some things that my grandmother needed. Of course, I couldn't say no to my grandmama. During my journey into town, I kept looking around and seeing all the kids with their siblings playing with each other. It reminded my three older siblings. My two older brothers Tyler and Luke. I also have a twin sister Nala who's older than me by a few hours. 

Both of my older brothers got married a few years ago. The eldest out of four children was Tyler. Tyler married a woman named Nina. She eventually was turned into a vampire by Tyler. They met when he was about sixteen years old at a street dance battle on Earth. She was about to finish her training to be a professional dancer. As for my brother Tyler, he's a street dancer but only does it for fun. They were both dancing one night with their friends at a club. When they bumped into each other by mistake she called him an imbecile, which made him angry so he confronted her. 

He was about to start a fight, but eventually, he just stopped and stared at her. He looked at her deep in her eyes and saw how beautiful she was. She saw how amazing he was but eventually, they got torn apart because their friends pulled them away so that a real fight wouldn't start. Even though Tyler already knows that a true man would never hit a woman, especially as beautiful as Nina. 

A week later, their paths crossed again as she was finishing up auditions to find a partner for her performance that would be an audition for her to go on a world tour showcase for dancers. He was there because he worked as a janitor in order to get by since he no longer lived on our planet and had more than enough money so that he wouldn't have to suffer working. But he decided to try and work so that he'd understand what it meant to earn money by using his own two hands. Before he left our home planet he asked me what kinds of jobs were there on the earth. 

I told him a list of jobs and their descriptions. For some strange reason, he picked janitor. I asked him where he would like to be a janitor at. He picked that dance studio because he loved watching people dance. That day when he went into the dance studio to work, he took me with him. He pointed at her and asked me about her. I told him what her name was and why she was there. I told him that I think they would make a great couple one day. But he just laughed at me. Yet, I pushed him into that room so he'd go do his job and I left out of the place before she saw me with him. 

He asked her if she needed some help with her routine, she just looked at him as if he was joking but clearly, he was serious. She just told him, "You don't seem qualified enough to do this plus do you even know the steps?" He said, "I've been watching you all day and it doesn't seem that hard." She said, "Thanks but no thanks." So as he was clearing out he said: "OK, I was just trying to help you out." But before he walked out the door she said, "Hold on." While she was running she said, "Catch me." He caught her and raised her above his head. She was shocked and eventually, he put her down and held her in the threshold. He said, "Now what do I do?" While still in shock she said, "You can put me down now." So he did. 

Since then they spent six days a week practicing for her performance over the next few months. One night, they got invited to go and hang out at a new nightclub with some of their friends. They danced together all night and they've both been growing closer than ever before. That night, they got so close that they had their first kiss on the roof of the club. While also being dance partners they were also a great couple, just like I predicted. They practically spent every waking moment together in and out of the dance studio. But one day, Tyler got replaced by some other dancer without any warning. This made him so mad that he demanded answers from Nina. 

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