Chapter 2: The Night of Disaster

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Before I even got to the front door, I saw an extremely long line of young boys. In my mind I said, "Wow... These boys must really be desperate if they're here for an arranged marriage meeting with someone like me." So instead of trying to go in the door I just snuck past them, ran towards where my balcony was, climbed up one of the columns, pulled my legs up onto the railing, pulled myself up, ran into my room quickly then closed and locked the doors along with the curtains.

I was so out of breath that I became startled when my mother called me in a very loud voice to see if I was ready to go downstairs. I told her, "I'll be ready in a few minutes." I knew mentally, I'd never be ready for something like this. I put on a royal purple gown, high heeled shoes, gloves, glitter and of course a tiara. Of course, all of them were never going to get anywhere with me. They were either self-absorbed, arrogant, rude or all of the above.

They also hardly ever listened to what I was saying to them, never looked me in the eyes or even talked about anything but themselves. I turned them all down without any regrets, even now as I've grown older I still don't regret turning all of those boys down. I told my grandmother about how awful it was and she said that she would talk to my mother about her intentions of marrying me off so young. Not to mention to someone I don't even love. I was only eight years old about to be nine, what would I know about having a husband and starting a family?

I went upstairs to my room about to cry my eyes out, mainly because I was not only upset but I was also very embarrassed. I could hear my parents fighting about what has just happened. My mother was the one who was the angriest. I could hear her yelling at my father with so much rage. I've never heard her yell that hard at anyone in my life. She felt as if I didn't cooperate at all and that I wasn't even trying when I was but didn't want any part of this ridiculous game she was playing. My father tried to calm her down and said something I knew she wasn't going to be happy with hearing.

My father said, "She did try her best and I know that you're not going to want to hear this but, I agree with her. She should have a say when it comes to these matters. We didn't have an arranged marriage but we did have a marriage meeting. That's completely different. We fell in love later on but we weren't forced to get married to each other at a young age. We shouldn't be doing that to our youngest daughter or any of our children for that matter."

She looked at my father as if he was crazy and thought he meant that I don't deserve to live a life full of great things. When that's not at all, what he meant, he meant that he believes that I've been taught and trained well enough to know how to make the right choice when it comes to relationships and marrying for love and not convenience. Without actually listening, she said, "I've set her up with one more boy that could probably change her mind about the whole arranged marriage idea once and for all."

Once I heard that I sighed thinking, "Wow, does my mother not get the idea yet? I don't want any part of this." While I was still in my room, I could hear someone defending me and my feelings. It was that boy, this was the first time I heard him talk so loud and clear. My mother then turned to him looking as if she was going to destroy him and said, "Who are you to tell me what to do in my own home and how to raise my daughter? You're not even close to what my daughter deserves in life. I highly doubt that she'll ever love someone like you, let alone you ever developing feelings for her.

You're beneath her, she's a princess and you're just one of her protectors. Moreover, an orphan who just so happens to be sheltered here by my parents. I expect that you can't even talk or look at her without freezing up on the spot if she said just one word." He was very angry and pushed her against the wall causing the stone to crack and making her feel light-headed. He gave her a warning, which was, "Don't you ever do that again, and if you do I'll do so much worse than this." With that said and done, he just walked away and went on about his business.

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