Chapter 3;

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[A.N]-Hey guys, this is written off my phone. Don't worry, I don't really want it to be short, that's why its taking long to upload + Write.

Guess What? ITS SUMMER BABY! No School For 7 Weeks! Whoop!

Anyway, Read, Comment,Fan :)

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Chapter 3;

When I reached the diner, I watching as everyone sat, waiting for me.

"Sorry for being keeping you waiting, I woke up late" I spoke.

"Nevermind Ellis, come, sit." Alpha John said.

I smiled as I took my usual seat, tooking in my chair and looking up, I met the eyes of Zayn. I gulped, sighed, and stared back down.

"Blessings" Alpha's voice echoed.

"Thank the Lord for this meal, may none go to waste, think of the poor, the less fortunate, let everyone enjoy their meal."

"Amen" We all said.

I took two pieces of toast, slipped one egg onto my plate, and two spoons of beans. Hey wolves eat.

And yes, I did shift, my 16th birthday, in the forest, facing it alone, I wouldn't want to think of that though...

Finishing, I thought if anyone smelt my scent.

'No, they can't, can we talk Ellis?' Zayn's voice rang inside my head.

I looked up at him, and met his pleading eyes.

I sighed. Now he mated me, our bond was as strong as ever.

I nodded. Looking back up, now seeing a relaxed face.

"Please my I be excused?" Me and Zayn spoke at this same time. Our heads snapped up, I frowned.

Alpha laughed. "Go ahead"

I smiled, and bowed to John, and Cheryl.

Leaving my chair I walked towards the door, opening it to see Zayn, hot on my heels, I pushed it farther allowing Zayn to catch it and pass through it. I went into the lift, Zayn stepping in with me. I mentally groaned. Clicking the top floor, I didn't speak a word.

When the door's finally opened I stepped out, quickly running towards my room, I shoved it open and was about to close it, when it was caught on someone's foot. Zayn's to be exact. Closing my eyes, I opened them again, to see Zayn, in my room standing in front on me. I took an intake of breath, slowly releasing it.

Swallowing I looked back up.

"Hi" He breathed out.

"Hi" I replied, clicking my tongue.

"Why were you worried about them catching your scent?" Was his question.

I sighed for the hundredth time today. "Because"

"BECAUSE WHAT? Are you or are you not proud to be wearing my mark?" Zayn snapped, making me flinch. His Alpha voice booming.

"I don't want a mate" I whispered.

He didn't reply. When i finally found enough courage to look up, his gaze was on the floor. Then... he laughed.

It wasn't a laugh of joy, Zayn's laugh was full off no emotion, shaking his head he spoke.

"Why? Why don't you want me as a mate Ellis? You have no choice. When I become Alpha, I need a mate, and I'm not just picking out some random bitch, I. Want. You. You are my mate, and as my mate, you are not wearing my mark, we mated, making it impossible for you to be away from me. Now you are my mate, you are and WILL take the responsibility of Alpha Female. I will introduce you as my mate next week."

Silently I gasped, more like taking in alot of air, and slowly releasing it, his wolf was taking over, unlike others, his wolf was nice, it took a lot to get him angry.

Slowly I sunk to the floor against the wall, I won't cry, I haven't since the attack, and I wont, my chin was wobbling, my breath in little pants.

Looking up, I saw Zayn's face soften. He didn't get it did he? I didn't want him, at least not yet. I most certainly didn't want to be Alpha Female.

A tear ran down my cheek, I quickly wiped it, no one had seen me cry, Zayn would be the first, because this time i was genuanly scared, not just scared, but terrified out my pants.

More tears came and i sunk my head into my arms, crossing my legs, not wanting anyone to see me like this.

Then I was lifted up into a pair of strong arms, and pushed against a rock hard body, Zayn.

He sat me on the bed. Brushing my hair out my face. "Baby? Im sorry." He whispered against my head.

My tears stopped, gradually, as I let him hold me, stoking my hair.

How long were we there? Probably hours, but none of that mattered to me. My wolf was purring, knowing her mate was holding her.

Then the door burst open...

Standing there was, Alpha John, the crying came back i cried un-controlably.

"Whats wrong?" He asked

That's it. Game over.

"She was missing her parents, so i was comforting her" Zayn replied.

He lied? For me?...

'Yes, but we can't keep it up for long' zayn replied in my head.

"Ellis, are you alright, you never cry" Alpha asked me.

"Yeah im fine, I've just been thinking about them alot lately, and I don't know, I just started crying, and Zayn came."I smoothly replied. If he found out I was lieing, boy would he have my head.

"Very well, if you ever need to talk, im here" Alpha said, the turned to walk out the door,

"Thanks" I smiled at Zayn.

Grinning back he replied. "It's fine, but we need to  be careful. This morning I sprayed myself to get ridof the scent too, you didn't think of that did you? Anyway, we can't and we won't keep this for to long, people will start to get suspicious, and start noticing that im always around you"

"Okay, I guess thats fair, but please keep it as long as possible, for me"

"Anything" He said walking to the door

"Bye Ellis" He called.

'Bye' I rang inside his head

~~~~~~ End Of Chapter 3~~~~~~~

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