Chapter 29 Birthday

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"What do you think about this?" Rogers asked and pointed at a necklace in a jewelry case.
"Kassidy isn't much of a jewelry person." Roni said and shook her head.
"You've said that about everything I've looked at. You are supposed to be helping me find her a birthday present Roni." Rogers sighed.
"Look, Kassidy is not really big on celebrating her birthday It makes her think of her brother and she gets upset I honestly think she just wants to spend the day with you and Tilly like its any other day, just give her extra love." Roni smiled. Rogers sighed. He hadn't even thought of the fact that Kassidy would be upset on her birthday because of her twin brother not being here anymore.
"Why is Kassidy sad about her brother daddy? We could have a party and he could be there too."
Rogers frowned and looked down at Tilly, he hadn't explained Kassidy's family to her yet he wasn't sure how to bring it up.
"Tilly, Kassidy's brother isn't with us anymore neither are her parents." Rogers explained. Tilly frowned knowing what this meant.
"Maybe we can just make her breakfast. With extra bacon Kassidy likes bacon." Tilly smiled cutely. Rogers and Roni both chuckled.
"That she does." Roni said.


Kassidy sat up in bed and looked at the clock. 8AM She could smell food cooking in the kitchen and could hear Rogers and Tilly talking in hushed voices she smiled slightly knowing they were trying to do something nice for her birthday. Kassidy hated her birthday but she wasn't going to be upset over food, although she hadn't felt well for a couple of days and hoped she wasn't catching a stomach bug. Being sick on her birthday would just be the terrible icing on the terrible cake. She picked up her phone from the nightstand and dialed Sam's number. His football friends had memorialized it so people could listen to his voicemail when they wanted to. Kassidy never did, except for on this day and only this day. Any other time it was too painful.
Hey, its Sam, there's probably a good reason that I'm not answering my phone or whatever so just leave a message if its important and Kassidy I swear to God if you leave me one more stupid voicemail making chicken noises I'll sell your journal on ebay.
Kassidy laughed and wiped tears from her eyes as the tone went off.
"Happy birthday on the other side asshole. I miss you." She said quietly into the phone and then made a chicken noise. It probably seemed foolish to everyone else considering Sam would never hear that message but it made her feel a little better.
Rogers and Tilly walked in.
"Love.. I may be hearing things but did you just cluck like a chicken?" He asked.
"No. you are not hearing things. I did." Kassidy said and half smiled.
"We made you breakfast!" Tilly beamed and climbed into bed with Kassidy and handed her something. Kassidy looked down at the folded piece of construction paper and smiled.
"Happy Kassidy day?" She asked with a giggle.
"Roni mentioned you didn't like your birthday so today is just Kassidy day." Rogers smirked.
"I like that." Kassidy laughed and opened the card.
"Margot signed it too!" Tilly said.
"Aww that was nice of her." Kassidy replied as Rogers set the try of food in Kassidys lap and kissed her on the forehead.
"Tilly insisted on extra bacon." He chuckled.
"Tilly is now my favorite." Kassidy quipped and dug into her food.
"Did Sam like bacon too?" Tilly asked. Kassidy swallowed thickly.
"Til.." Rogers sighed.
"No, its okay." Kassidy smiled and looked at Tilly. "He didn't. He was a weirdo." She said. Tilly giggled and hugged Kassidy and climbed out of bed hurrying out of the room to watch tv.
"I'm sorry about that." Rogers said and sat down on the bed.
"Its okay James, really." Kassidy said and took another bite of bacon. "It's just a day." She smiled.
Rogers returned her smile and leaned in and kissed her. "In honor of national kassidy day, I have some plans for you for later." He whispered into her ear. Kassidys face turned pink and she pulled him closer and kissed him again but pulled away suddenly feeling a twinge in her stomach.
"Kass?" Rogers questioned raising an eyebrow. Kassidy shook her head.
"Nope. I'm good." She said and smirked. "Where were we?"
"Right about here." Rogers grinned and pressed his lips to hers. Kassidy pulled away sharply again and set the tray of food aside.
"Not good." She mumbled and got up and ran to the bathroom retching. Rogers followed her and held her hair back.
"The universe is just determined to make this a bad day for you love." He sighed.
Kassidy groaned. She really hated her birthday.

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