Chapter 17 War

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A/N: this one starts out sad and intense but gets silly! Thank you opalscorpion for helping me with the mischief and mayhem as always!  Also sorry if this chapter looks weird im publishing from my phone instead of my computer I have a gif for this chapter for the header I'll add it later as I dont have it saved to my phone. :) enjoy

It was a little while later before Kassidy snuck back out of her room and crept to the fridge to get more pizza.
“You know, you don’t have to slink around. I know you are here.” Rogers said from the living room.
Yes but i’m avoiding you. Kassidy thought and sighed and grabbed a slice of cold pizza and walked back towards her room.
“Kass. Wait.” Rogers said.
“Not.. now.” Kassidy said softly and walked into the room and closed the door.
Way to go Rogers, she finally started to trust you and now you are back at square one. At least she is still here.
He sighed and stood up and walked to her door and tapped on it.
“Kass just talk to me for a second. Please.”
Kassidy opened the door and walked over to her window and sat down watching the snowfall outside while eating her pizza. Rogers stepped in and walked over and sat down in front of her.
“I’m really sorry.” He said.
“It was bound to come out sooner or later..” Kassidy said
“I know but I feel like I forced that answer out of you. I just wanted to help but I just made things worse.” Rogers sighed.
“No. not really.” Kassidy shrugged. “I forget, that not talking about it, not telling people..doesn’t mean that it never happened.”
“How..did it happen?” Rogers asked. Kassidy looked down and pulled at the frayed denim on the knee of her jeans.
“You don’t have to tell me if you aren’t ready.” Rogers said and reached out and put his hand on top of her shaking hand.
“ would probably help, maybe we can start to understand each other a little more.” Kassidy said and took a deep breath. “It was summer vacation. We were in the car. I don’t even remember where we were going. Probably disneyland or some shit. My parents always liked to go there even though Sam and I were teenagers and the giant rat creeped me out.” Kassidy said.
“Kassidy Cole is afraid of Mickey Mouse. Noted.” Rogers chuckled.
“I’m not afraid of Mickey Mouse smart ass. Just the costume at Disneyland.. The big head is just weird.” She shuddered. “I should probably mention, that Sam is my twin. Well.. was and all that mumbo jumbo about twins being best friends is bullshit because I never fought with someone so much in my damn life.” Kassidy sighed “We were in the backseat arguing, over something stupid like most teenagers. Dad was yelling at us to stop. Mom was yelling at him to stop yelling at us,  Me..and my mouth told him to fuck off, He took his eyes off the road and turned to yell at me.” Kassidy’s hands balled into fists and her eyes squeezed shut. “I don’t remember a lot after that, I remember it being loud and I remember a lot of pain and then it was dark and when I opened my eyes again.. I was upside down and I was stuck. The car was crushed and I could hear people trying to get me out. They kept saying there's one alive. One. and that's when I looked around me.” tears fell from Kassidy’s eyes. “There was blood. Everywhere. I was covered..but most of it was Sams.. I had to.. Push his body off of me. I was screaming for them to get me out but at the same time I didn’t want to leave them. I begged whatever God is out there to take me too. I was trapped in the car with my dead family for another hour before they were finally able to get me out.”
“Jesus..” Rogers sighed. Suddenly a lot of things about Kassidy made sense. Hating small spaces, not wanting to stay in one place very long being afraid that everyone was going to leave her because everyone she ever cared about, did leave her. Kassidy leaned over and opened the window needing to feel the cold air on her face to keep herself from panicking.
“Kassidy.. I’m so sorry.” Rogers said.
“Its my fault. I did this.” Kassidy cried.
“No it's not your fault. You couldn’t have known that was going to happen.” Rogers said.
“That's what everyone says, but he took his eyes off the road to yell at me. If I hadn’t been such an asshole kid..” Kassidy mumbled. Rogers put his hands on her shoulders
“Look at me.” He said Kassidy looked up at him with her grey eyes clouded over with tears. “It's not your fault. I know me saying it, isn’t going to fix it, hell, it probably won't even change your mind but I promise you, it's not your fault.”
Kassidy leaned in and pressed her forehead against his chest.
“I miss them so much.” She sobbed and just collapsed into tears against him. He held her quietly and let her cry.

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