Chapter 16 Stay

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Kassidy felt a hand brush her face and blinked her eyes open gasping.

"Hey you're okay." Rogers said softly. Kassidy looked around she was still against the station door.

"What happened?"

"Well love I was hoping you could tell me that." Rogers said and helped her to stand. She went to step forward forgetting she hurt her ankle.

"Ah!" She cried and fell forward Rogers caught her before she fell too far.

"Easy." He said. Kassidy looked back towards the door and shivered.

"What happened out there?" Rogers asked as he helped her sit down. "Where are your things?"

"Gone." Kassidy muttered and winced as he propped her foot up in his lap.

"What were you running from?" Rogers asked as he untied her shoe and pushed her pant leg up to look at the swelling on her ankle.

"Um.. there were these men. They knew my name and one of them grabbed me but I got away I slipped out of my jacket and ran and then.. I threw my backpack down and one of them tripped. but the other one grabbed my hair and pulled me backwards he dragged me a little ways through a puddle. Like.. what a douche." Kassidy sighed. "I dug my fingers into his hand until he let go and I got up and started running again and stepped wrong and hurt my ankle. and then somehow I got here." Kassidy said looking back over her shoulder.

"Hey, you are safe here." Rogers said trying to reassure her. "Did you see what they looked like?"

"I don't remember. I was mostly focused on running from them." Kassidy said. "Ow!" She yelped as Rogers touched her ankle.

"I'll be right back I'm going to get you some ice." Rogers said and stood up putting her foot in the chair he was sitting in and walked out of the room. Kassidy slowly stood and hobbled around to his desk and over to his computer to see if he had any more information on Will.

"What are you doing?" Rogers asked as he came back in the room with an ice pack. Kassidy jumped.

"Nothing!" She said. Rogers raised an eyebrow at her.

"Try again." He said.

"I was looking to see if you found more stuff on Will." Kassidy shrugged.

"Well, I haven't and if I did, I would have told you. Sit." He said. Kassidy sighed and hopped back over to her chair and sat down while Rogers put the ice pack over her ankle.

"Do you think this has anything to do with Will?" Kassidy asked. Rogers knew it had to it was the only thing that made sense. He sighed.

"I don't know, so until we figure it out, you are officially under police protection." He smirked. "You'll be staying with me."

"I could stay with Roni. She has a bat." Kassidy said.

"Roni may be good with a bat, but I can keep you safer. If you let me." Rogers said. Kassidy looked back towards the door.

"You got lucky this time. but now you are hurt you wont get away quite so easily." Rogers said. Kassidy looked back at him and nodded.

"Okay. I'll try." She said and half smiled.

"Good." He said returning her smile.

Rogers parked his car outside the house and looked over at Kassidy in the passangers seat.

"You ready?" He asked. Kassidy nodded

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