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You have interrupted me.

My brain was my greatest tool.

You have turned it into mush.

My body knew its roles fully well, until you.

My heart stayed in the kitchen

While my brain did the real work.

Emotion was never to get in my way.

Passion fed my soul.

My passion kept me safe and focused.

Until you broke it all.

I do not know what's happened to me.

Everything revolves around you.

My passion is only focused on you.

My heart has left the kitchen.

Everything has become you.

I am spiraling into something unknown.

Spiraling into a myth.

I was happy in my desert.

Did not require water.

Now I've wandered into your mirage, seeking something I never knew I needed—

Or wanted.

Logic has left me.

I am fully aware this might not last.

I am fully aware the water will fall into its cycle.

I am fully aware that it does not rain in my desert.

Logic has left me, and I didn't even blink.

Instead I will sink.

I am in the abyss. I can't tell what is right and what is wrong. I've never been here before, I never let myself get here before. I have welcomed you. I am comforted. The darkness has consumed me, but I don't believe this is darkness. This is goodness. This is mysterious. This is risk. I am blind. This is blind faith. Do I let this envelop me? There is so much happiness that could become not. What if I walk too fast? What if I take a step and there is nothing beneath? What if I fall? What if I don't? I am not ready to leave.

So, don't leave me.

Do you even know that I am here?

Or do you fully well know but like to leave me struggling?

Am I trusting you enough or not?

You could be my reflection.

I am finished.

I know not what else to say

The words are in my way.

My brain has significantly diminished.

Yet in my heart the pumping blood is abundant.

Is this really my heart? I can't tell.

I've never seen it; how do I know if its even there?

I blame indigestion.

However, food has never made me smile so wide.

The thought of anything has never made my soul burst and my tongue cursed.

I blame you.

I blame you for all the happiness.

I blame you for all the sadness.

I blame you for all the fear.

I blame you for all that I persevere.

I blame you for my malfunction.

My brain is tattered, working hard to not think of you.

My tongue is tied, finding the right words to tell you.

My lips are interrupted, probably by yours.

My heart is wounded, being separated by yours.

If not for the written word, I would implode.

This is the only option you've left me with—

I decide to fall.

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