Cops and Robbers - 8.

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I woke up around 10 a.m the next morning laying practically on top of kalin. Our legs were tangled together, his head was in my chest and his arms were wrapped around me. I looked down at him and smiled because how cute he looked. I heard his faint snores and laughed, which made me smile in his sleep awh. I tried too move out of his arms too use the bathroom but he pulled me in tighter and nuzzled into my neck. Looks like I'm not moving. I've realized.. I think I like Kalin.. I didn't mean too start but I do.. He's just.. Kalin. I mean he's self explanatory himself. About a month ago, I would've never imagined myself being where I am with Kalin now. I tried once again too move out of his arms and he pulled me even closer.

"Don't go." He said in a sleepy voice.. Whoa.

"I have too pee tho." I said laughing some.

"Ugh. Okay." He said letting me go.

I ran too the bathroom and peed, after I was done, I brushed my teeth and walked out and into my room too find Kalin laying down on his stomach with his eyes closed. He fell back asleep. Hmm.. I ran and jumped on the bed and then sat down on his back.


"Noelle get off." He said in a groggy voice.

"BUTT KALIN" I said bouncing up and down on his back.

"I'm warning you get off" he said.

"Nope." I said crossing my arms.

"I warned you." He said

Kalin quickly flipped us over too where my legs were wrapped around him and he was looking down on me, which this completely took me off guard. We both starred at each other. Kalin began leaning in. Oh shit he's about too kiss me.

"OH GOSH I HAVE TOO PEE AGAIN" I said throwing kalin off of me, which made him fall off the bed and running into the bathroom. I shut the door quickly. Why the hell did I just do that. I just said I liked Kalin then dodged his kiss. I bet he hates me, he probably does. After about 3 minutes I walked out and back into my room.

"I didn't mean too rush out like that or make you fall off the bed." I said sitting down on the bed.

"It's okay.. You had too pee" he said doing air quotients, which made me slap his arm playfully.

"We should do something today" he said sitting up rubbing his eye.

"I have plans with Jake" I replied back

"Oh.. That's fine. I'll just go too the studio with Myles."

"Okay" I said nodding my head while smiling. It's 11 now and me and jake are suppose too hang out around 12.

"I'm going too change, help yourself too the food downstairs." I said getting up walking over too my closet. K walked downstairs moments after. I decided on Nike sweatpants and a white tank top because it's a lazy day. I changed into it quickly and ran downstairs too find Kalin stuffing his face with donuts.

"I was gonna eat those" I said sitting on the stool.

"Oops" he said a mouth full of donuts, which caused me too laugh. He came and sat by me, still stuffing his face. I got up too get cereal and his phone rang. He said a bunch of okays and yeahs and told the person he'd be there in 5

"I have too leave" he said getting up.

"Oh alright." I said looking at him. He came up and hugged me than ran out. Wonder what that's all about. I texted jake too see if he could come now and he replied back yes. While waiting, I decided too watch t.v, which I didn't find anything good on. After about 10 minutes of scrolling thru twitter, someone knocked on the door. I answered and of course it was jake.

"Hey girl hey" he said in his most girliest voice.

"Hey betch" I said flipping my hair.

We both laughed and I told him too come in.

"Let's watch a movie since it's a lazy day!" He said plopping down on the couch.

"Alright. What movie?"

"Ughhh... 21 jump street!" He replied.

I got 21 jumped street out and played it. I sat back on the couch and laid my head on Jakes lap, and I didn't realize how tired I was until my eyes became heavy too keep open.


Noelle fell asleep about 2 hours ago and I've been up thinking about how I'm going too tell her how I feel. I need her too know, it's eating me away. I'm scared of rejection though.


I woke up and realized I was laying on jake. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Morning sleepyhead" jake said laughing a little, I just nodded my head.

"How long did I sleep?"

"Almost 3 hours."

"And you didn't leave" I said laughing.

"Nope" he replied.

It got quiet until Jake spoke up.

"I have too tell you something."


"Here goes nothing" he said mumbling.


"Since the day I met you, I knew I wanted you. You were perfect inside and out. Everything about you, I like so much. I like you a lot Noelle. Your everything I've wanted in a girl, your style, your personality, your smile, just you is what I want, and what I need. I was so depressed when we didn't talk, I chose Julia over you because maybe these feelings would go away, and then I wouldn't have too worry about them but nope.. They're here too stay. I know you may not feel the same, but I needed you too know. It was eating away at me for not telling you this as soon as possible. " he said nervously.

Holy fucking shit. Jake likes me. I went too reply then someone knocked on the door. Who the fuck could this be, I got up and walked up too the door and saw....



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