Cops and Robbers - 2.

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I got into my car and started driving home. I got home in about 10 maybe 15 minutes, when I pulled down the street, my moms car was there... thats weird. She said she had too work till 6 and its only 4. I parked my car and grabbed my purse and got out. I walked into the house and yelled for my mom but I got no answer.. I walked upstairs first because its the closest. I looked in the bathroom, her room and my room.. not here. Alright then. I put my purse down in my room and started walking down the stairs, when I got too the bottom of the stairs, I turned too walk too the kitchen and there he was. Now I know why my mom was home so early. And why she was acting so weird the past two days. There he was. My big brother Justin. He smiled at me and before I could even think, I was running towards him. I jumped onto him and start crying. My brother has been in the army for a year now and my mom said he wasn't coming home anytime soon, not even for my birthday but here he was. In my house. We never really got too hear from him, because he never really had time too talk over there, so we never knew if he was okay or still alive but he is. He defiantly is.

"I thought you weren't suppose too come home" I said sobbing.

"Well you thought wrong sis" he laughed.

He put me down and I just hugged him again. I didn't know when I'd be able too do this again so I just kept hugging him. I didn't say anything. Just hugged him. I let go of him after about 5 minutes.

"I missed you so much bubba" I said still kind of crying.

"I missed you too sissy." He replied. I think he's about too cry because the way his voice cracked.

I call him bubba because when I was little, I never could say brother right, so it came out like bubba and making fun of me, he would call me sissy and it's been that way ever since.

"how was it over there?"

"It's scary honestly. There's some things I want too unsee and I can't" he said looking down.

I felt bad. They always say that when you come back from war, your not the same.

"How long are you here for?" I said changing the subject.

"2 weeks, so you'll have too deal with me for 2 weeks" he said laughing a little.

"Oh that's fine with me! I've missed you so much" I said smiling, knowing he'll be here two weeks makes me extremely happy.

"So how's going too a new school?"

"It's alright. I made a couple of friends today" after saying that, it made me think back too kalin.. I don't know why he doesn't like me. Right when my brother went too say something back, he got a phone call. He picked it up and instantly went out of the room. I guess it was important.

"Oh hey Bean, can you run too the store for me and grab a few things?" My mom said coming into the room.

"Yeah, sure. Just text me what you need?"

"Okay sweetie. Oh yeah here's my card!" She said handing her card too me. I decided before I left, too change into something comfortable, I walked up the stairs and walked over too my bedroom, before I did, I looked into my moms room and saw my brother still talking on the phone, I decided not too be nosy and just go change. I walked into my bedroom and over too my dresser. I pulled out Nike sweats, and put on my brothers old 8th grade shirt. I slid on my vans and grabbed my keys and walked out, I closed my door and started walking down the stairs. I told my mom I was leaving and walked out. I got into my car and plugged my phone in. I put my phone on shuffle and the first song that came on was "Confident" by justin bieber. Hm that's fine. I put my sun glasses on, turned my music up really loud and pulled off.

Cops and Robbers - A Kalin white love story.Where stories live. Discover now