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“Are you ready to see his skin dyed red?” Death whispered, sitting beside me on the table, my head resting on one knee while the other hung limply off the side. I watched as Simon enter and couldn’t help a smile.

It was not a happy smile.

“Oh yes.” I whispered

My heart ached with a ragging passion – of love or of hate, who knew?  Watching Simon move with a ridicules grace for a man of his size, seeing his lovely white, albino hair plastered to his forehead with sweat – everything about him made me want to cry.  

I knew he had just come from the gym. The salty scent of sweat, the dampened muscle shirt, he used to always wear.  I used to think it made him look hot.

To think, that he could go on so casually with his everyday activities, after he’d murdered me.  It made me want see the light leave his lovely eyes, the same way he had watched me bleed out.

Now, it made me want to kill him.

 “Are you going to talk to him?” Death whispered in my ear. I blinked and looked over at him. “Don’t worry; he can’t hear me, only you.” He promised in my ear.

I cleared my throat, “Hello Simon.” My tongue wrapped around his name like a precious jewel, something to be cradled. Something to be loved before the storm shattered it to pieces.

His head whipped around looked around, his eyes sweeping across his room, but missing me entirely. He shook his head. “I’m hearing things….” He muttered aloud to himself than laughed, as if he were just a child laughing at the wind.

I almost felt sad, knowing he had no idea what was coming to him. Almost.

But then I remembered his hands, big and beef, crushing the breath from my lungs before he’d smashed my skull inside. That was when even my almost bit of sadness disappeared.

“Simon, don’t ignore me….” I hissed at him.

His head jerked and he stopped laughing. His eyes locked in on mine and I smiled, watching him gape like a fish I’d yanked out of water. “You thought you’d gotten rid of me…” I whispered again.

“Nina?” He whispered, sounding shocked. “You’re…dead!”

I laughed. “So cliché,” I hissed harshly. “Of course you know I’m dead! You killed me!” I slid off the counter and took a step towards him.

“Nina…You have no idea how sorry I am.”

“You stuck your tongue down some other girl’s throat!” I screamed and he backed away. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Death heading towards the light switch. He smiled at me and started to flick it on and off. He mouthed to me more dramatic this way.

“Nina, stop it!”

“Stop it? What if I just said ‘no’?” I mimicked his words he hadn’t spoken more than two days ago. “Isn’t this what you wanted anyway, to be together forever?  Well now you’ve got your wish, because now we’ve got all of eternity to burn in hell together!” I screamed.

Simon screamed back at me before turning and running out the door. “Simon, don’t be a baby! You knew this was coming!” I said dashing after him.

I heard Death mumble behind me, “Well….that’s disappointing.”

What Death Said To MeWhere stories live. Discover now