Chapter 13

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dedicated because I'm sorry the upload wasn't quick.

Today was the day. It was the day that I had been dreading for weeks and the also the day I was looking forward to the most. On the one hand it was going to be my last ‘date’ with Cat, I couldn’t quite figure out how I felt about that although I’m sure it wasn’t positive, on the other hand I just wanted to see her again, don’t get me wrong I know it has only been two days since our last date but that’s the thing about Cat, her presence is contagious, I just like to be around her.

I hadn’t arranged anything big or impressive for this one because I just wanted to spend the time in her company and talk about whatever we haven’t already, without ski slopes or impressive scenery to distract us.

It may only be the day after Christmas but life in Manchester is pretty much back to normal; if you ignore the shop front decorations and flashing snowflakes. As I made my way to China Town I had to push through crowds of shoppers with their purchases all rushing form shop to shop in an attempt to get the best items from the sales in the last few hours before everything shut.

As usual I arrived at the restaurant before Cat so I order us a drink each, beer for me and Southern Comfort and lemonade for her, I took a moment to think about the irony of that. When I think about it I know more about Cat then I do any other woman, including my mother, and here I am just hours away from saying goodbye, most likely for good.

The restaurant around me had been made to look as authentically Chinese as possible, with a red and gold colour scheme and dark wood chairs and tables, the lighting had been dimmed and the smell of spices with a hint of incense is carried around the room, whether purposefully in the air ducts or just the authentic smell of the place I’m not sure.

In a moment of perfect synchronisation Cat appeared at the exact time our drinks were being placed on the table in front of me. She paused at the door and I watched her face as she scanned the tables, her brow was furrowed in concentration as she looked for me in the crowded room, her mouth compressed in a thin line, her hair was tied back in a high ponytail but there were strands of golden curls bouncing around her face, her long black coat gave away nothing of her outfit except for a pair of dolly shoes and black tights. I didn’t give away my position but just watched her until she found me, she raised an eyebrow at my obvious failure to help her out before a smile broke out across her face and she weaved through the tables in my direction.

Contrary to my earlier behaviour I did stand as she approached to kiss her on the cheek, help her to take of her coat and to pull out her chair, chivalry costs nothing and I refuse to let the concept die.

When I return to my seat the air between us shifts and her bright smile is more guarded. “Hi.” I say more to break the silence then anything.


“How was your Christmas?” I prod, using the obvious conversation starter.

“Good, yours?” She takes a swig of her drink and her shoulders relax slightly under her dark turtleneck jumper, I expected her to say more than that, maybe even go into some family anecdote from the day but she gives nothing else away.

“Good yeah. Relaxing.” I say whilst staring at my fingers that are absently sketching shapes on the table between my knife and fork.

“As opposed to sitting in your apartment for the last two weeks?” I look up into her eyes and there is a hint of amusement.

“Well most of that time I couldn’t get rid of you and you’re a difficult person to have around.” Her face shows her mock horror before she picks up her menu.

“Well this is different for you Danny.” She says looking around “this is a very normal date.” She doesn’t sound disappointed though.

“There is a lot to say for simplicity, sometimes it is just what you need, the exciting can soon get boring and you find yourself longing for the mundane. Besides, I’m done trying to win you over.” The last bit came out sounding harsh when I really didn’t mean it too, instead of it sounding like I had already won her it sounded like I was refusing to try any longer, I wince as I see the silent battle within her eyes trying to figure out my meaning.

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