twenty eight, welcome to the clubhouse.

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sexual content warning 😨 if you
don't wanna read it, just skip when
you see that giant ass spacing that
concludes the chapter 😚👋

AS ALEXANDRIA WANDERED THE HALLS OF Liberty High, alone, during her free period, she wondered where her boyfriend was. He was probably in the library or in the weight training room. Alexandria pulled her large iPhone out of her back pocket, typing up a quick text to Scott. Before she hit send, someone grabbed her waist. Alexandria nearly screamed but Scott's hand stopped her. "Hi," the boy whispered in her ear, his lips grazing the girl's ear. "Scott," Alexandria breathed out, her breath shaky at the feeling of Scott's lips on her ear.

When Scott pulled away all together, Alexandria turned to face him. "Come on," Scott grabbed ahold of Alexandria's hand before dragging her through the hallway. When they were outside, Alexandria was confused. She was sure the boy was taking her to a utility closet, but there they were, outside. Scott continued walking, leading Alexandria toward the baseball field. "Scott, we're not fucking on the bleachers," Alexandria protested. "We're not.." Scott let go of Alexandria's hand to pull open a gate that nobody would even be able to tell was there. He looked around before ushering Alexandria through the gate. The boy closed it back, making sure it was securely shut. He then led Alexandria down a small pathway before they both stood in front of a shed-like building. "Scott, how the hell did you find this place?" Alexandria asked as Scott rolled in the combination to the lock.

Scott looked down at his girlfriend, a mischievous smirk playing on his face. "This place goes back generations," Scott spoke as he opened the door. "Welcome to the Clubhouse." Alexandria stepped inside the dimly lit room, enduring the smell of sweat, marijuana, and alcohol. "Mm, smells like peaches," Alexandria sniffed the air sarcastically. Scott pulled his phone out of his letterman jacket's pocket, looking down at the time. "We have an hour and a half to bust this out, and then go home and shower," Scott spoke.

"Fifth period starts in- Oh, lunch! You're a smart one," Alexandria smiled up at Scott. Scott cockily shrugged, slowly stepping toward Alexandria. Alexandria backed up until she fell back onto a couch. Scott pushed the coffee table that rested in front of the couch, so it was no longer in front of the couch. Scott kneeled down in front of Alexandria. Scott pulled Alexandria by her legs, so she now sat on the edge of the couch. Scott's hands rested on the girl's waist as he eyed her body. His cold fingertips pressed against Alexandria's warm, exposed skin from the bottom of her shirt.

Tired of the anticipation, Alexandria pulled Scott by the collar of his letterman, causing the both of them to stand up. In a swift move, Alexandria traded places with Scott as she pushed him against the couch. Scott looked up at the girl, an amused look on his face. Alexandria returned the same look before placing her hands on Scott's shoulders as she slowly straddled the boy. Scott's hands fell to Alexandria's waist as the girl now hovered over the boy. She was now taller than him, his face leveled with her chest. Sitting down against Scott's lap, sure to rub her crotch against his, Alexandria leaned forward. She roughly pushed her lips against Scott's, causing the boy's hands to fall to the girl's ass as he gently squeezed both cheeks, causing Alexandria to moan into the kiss, allowing a vibration to fly through the two of them.

"Do that again, I dare you," Alexandria pulled back from the kiss to whisper in Scott's ear. Extremely turned on by Alexandria's sudden act of dominance, Scott obliged. Alexandria pressed her lips to the boy's neck before gently biting down on the piece of warm skin. A gasp escaped Scott's mouth as Alexandria nibbled on the boy's sensitive skin, her lips sucking on the spot she'd bit. Alexandria pulled back all together, looking down at Scott, whose eyes had popped open at the loss of contact. Alexandria slipped her shirt over her head, revealing a black strapless and laced bra. Scott's mouth began to water, and Alexandria was sure the boy would drool. "For me?" Scott grinned. Alexandria hovered over the boy once again as he leaned forward, pressing his lips to her neck as he trailed kisses down the girl's neck, jawline, and collarbone. Scott's actions stopped once he got to the bridge between Alexandria's breasts. His hands moved from the girl's waist to the her back where he played with the clip of her bra. "Need hel-" Alexandria stopped herself when she felt the material be removed from her body. Scott's lips grazed the delicate skin before his tongue took over the work. Alexandria's eyes were screwed shut, her hands in the boy's hair.

Scott made a loud popping noise when he pulled Alexandria's nipple out of his mouth. Scott pulled back causing Alexandria to remove her hands from his hair as she sat eye level with him. "Why?" the girl pouted. Scott's cold hands rested on the girl's back as he pushed his lips against hers. When Alexandria pulled back, a smile was placed on her lips. "What?" Scott chuckled softly as he looked at the smiling girl.

"I don't know. I just love you," Alexandria spoke, looking into Scott's dark blue eyes that were currently filled with lust. "That kinda.. killed the mood," Scott whispered, causing Alexandria to laugh. In the distance, the couple heard the school bell rang. "Now, we don't have to miss lunch," Alexandria pulled herself away from Scott, but Scott's hands remained on Alexandria's back. "Scott," Alexandria spoke.

"We should just stay like this," Scott mumbled out. Alexandria placed her hands on the sides of Scott's neck, placing a kiss to the boy's forehead. "How about.. we leave whatever lame party Bryce is throwing after the game tonight, and disappear for the weekend?" Alexandria suggested.

"I'm down," Scott smiled before allowing Alexandria to redress herself. The boy locked the shed as Alexandria waited for him at the gate. "Babe, come on!" Alexandria whined for the boy, suddenly feeling extremely hungry.


sorry i sinned 😢 anyways,
i won't ever be writing this
shit again so don't ask. it
was so awkward and weird,
because like i once said,
i'm like, 5 and i don't even
know how spell secs 😥👋.
important question:

should i end this book right
after jessica's party? or

should i continue it
all the way through s2?

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