two, dibs.

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"I ACTUALLY AM REALLY SORRY ABOUT almost running you and your friend over," Alexandria heard behind her. She turned around, looking at the boy with dirty blonde hair. "It's fine, honestly," Alexandria flashed the boy a reassuring, tight-lipped smile.

"Let me make up for it. Let me.. take you on a date," the boy bargained. Alexandria let out a small laugh. "No way. Absolutely not," the girl shook her head.

"What? Why not?" he asked, his expression showing a little hurt. "I don't even know your name," the girl spoke. "That can be arranged," the boy smirked, grabbing a pen from a desk next to his. "Hey!" a kid cried.

The boy scribbled onto a piece of paper in his notebook before ripping the piece of a paper out of it. He sloppily folded it, handing it to Alexandria just as the bell rang. He then packed up his belongings before leaving the class. Alexandria opened the note, scanning her eyes over the characters.

Bryce Walker, it said on the first line. On the next line, was a phone number and the words, text me sometime.

Alexandria skipped out of the classroom, heading to find Nova. She spotted the bright pink-haired girl. "You'll never believe what happened," Nova chirped out just as Alexandria said, "Guess what?"

"You go," Nova smiled. "I got a guy's number," Alexandria held up the piece of paper in victory. "Me too!" Nova dug in her jeans pocket before pulling out a piece of paper. She unwrapped it, allowing Alexandria to read it. The smile from her face quickly faded. "What is it?" Nova asked. "Same guy?" She then added.

"Same guy," Alexandria showed Nova the note. "Ugh, boys," Nova and Alexandria both muttered before tossing the crumpled-up pieces of paper into the trash can.

The two girls entered the cafeteria that swarmed with their fellow high school students. Like every other high school, the room was divided into cliques. At the two tables near the doors, sat the kids who looked like they played instruments. Then, were the artistic kids. Sitting in the middle of the room, were the kids who were all friends, probably the good kids. At the last two tables were the athletes; the jocks, in other words.

When Nova and Alexandria heard loud shrills of laughter, they turned to the sources. Nova walked off first, soon followed by Alexandria. Nova took a seat next to a boy with a a septum ring while Alexandria took a seat next to a bronze-skinned girl with curly brown hair.

"Hi," Alexandria said, looking at the three friends. They all exchanged glances before turning back to Alexandria. "I'm Janice, that's Hailey, and he's Alex," the girl introduced. "You don't look like a Janice," Nova shook her head.

"Yeah," the girl laughed. "I'm Jessica, that's Hannah, and he's still Alex."

"I'm Alexandria, but call me Alex because my name's long and ugly. She's Nova."

"Are you guys new?" Hannah asked. "Yes, ma'am," Nova nodded her head. "And you know each other?" Hannah followed up.

"Been best friends since fourth grade," Alexandria shrugged. "What about you guys?" She then asked.

"Met him at a coffee shop, but Hannah and I go way back. As far back as when we were forced to be friends," Jessica let out a loud laugh. "I like your laugh," Nova blurted. "People tend to say that," Jessica laughed again, causing the group to follow her laughter. Laughter truly was contagious.

"So, any cute boys you see?" Jessica leaned in. "The guys here are hot," Alexandria admitted. "Right!" Hannah gushed.

"Like him," Alexandria discreetly pointed to the boy in a tight shirt and diamond earrings. "Dibs," she then added. "What about him?" Hannah asked, pointing to the boy with brown hair and a nice smile.

"That's Justin. I met him earlier," Hannah then informed the group. "He's cute, too.. What about him?" Nova pointed to the boy with dirty blonde hair and a blue and beige letterman jacket.

"Call dibs on everyone you want, and we'll back off," Jessica whispered. "I want Diamond Earrings and Letterman," Alexandria decided, looking over at the two boys, one of them she didn't know, the other one.. She knew all too well. "I want Justin, and that's that."

"I want the tall, Asian one and.. Alex," Nova turned to the platinum-haired boy. "What about you, Jess?" Hannah asked the girl.

"Not sure. But don't worry, your guys are safe," the girl smiled.


letterman is scott if you
didn't know 😚

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