eight, have a little respect.

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AFTER LEAVING NOVA A TON OF MESSAGES, without her replying, Alexandria decided to just go to the party by herself. Surely, she'd have a great time with her other friends. Who knows? Maybe Nova was already at the party.

Alexandria stepped out her SUV, the bumping music from the speakers already in earshot. It was as if the whole house shook as the bass roared through the speakers. Alexandria followed the blasting music and the bright lights that flashed through the windows.

She entered the house, immediately being greeted by the smell of sweaty teenagers and hard alcohol. Usually, a group of her friends would be at a beer pong table in the back of whoever's house it was.

"Alex!" the girl heard. Nova-Marie stumbled towards her, looking like absolute shit. "Nov, how much did you drink?" Alexandria questioned, holding the girl up.

"Hi!" Nova giggled, causing Alexandria to roll her eyes. She should take her home, give her water, something. "I got her," Alexandria turned around to see Alex Standall. "You sure?" Alexandria asked.

"Yeah, this party is a bust anyways," Alex rolled his eyes before taking Nova from Alexandria's arms. Alexandria nodded before deciding to have a fun time. Now, she wouldn't have to worry about Nova. She could have a clear mind.

Looking around, Alexandria spotted Sheri Holland and Jessica Davis cheering for a group of boys engaged in a beer pong game.

"Alex, you made it!" Jessica shouted. Things had been rocky for Jessica and Alexandria, but Jessica apologized for what she'd said the way she'd acted, resulting and Jessica and Alexandria growing closer. "Whooo!" Sheri yelled as she wrapped an arm around Alexandria's waist.

"They won't let us play because they don't think we're good enough," Jessica gestured to the boys who were focused on their game of beer pong. "Oh, yeah?" Alexandria brushed past the two girls before taking a spot along the beer pong table, beside Jeff Atkins and Troy Johnson.

"I play winner," Alexandria challenged. The eight or so boys looked over at Alexandria, their eyebrows raised. Monty let out a scoff, "No way."

"And why not?" Alexandria pressed on. "No offense, but you're a g—" It was now Alexandria's time to scoff.

"Let me stop you there. Whenever someone says 'no offense', it's usually offense. And if you're about to say because I'm a girl, that's no excuse. If anything, it means you're scared of me.. a girl," Alexandria smirked, causing Jessica and Sheri to 'ooh' obnoxiously in Alexandria's ear.

"Alright. You play winner," Monty backed down. Alexandria eyed Scott, who was also looking at her. An amused smirk spread across his lips before he looked away.

Once Bryce Walker had won against Justin Foley, it was now Alexandria's turn. "I win, you give me a BJ, you win—"

"No way," Alexandria stated, shaking her head. "Afraid you'll lose and have to suck my dick?" Bryce smirked from across the table. The boys and girls surrounding the table kept looking to Bryce then to Alexandria. Back and forth.

"Deal. But if I win, I get to punch you and all your friends," Alexandria eyed Scott. "Wha—" Justin began to protest. "Relax, she won't win," Bryce chuckled softly.

Thirty minutes and a lot of cups of beer later, Alexandria let out a loud scream. "Alright, boys, line up," the girl demanded. "I'm not—He's not my friend!" Monty cried, raising his hands up in defense.

Alexandria approached the six boys who had gotten in a line, facing her. These boys were Bryce Walker, Montgomery de la Cruz, Justin Foley, Zach Dempsey, Jeff Atkins, and Scott Reed. "I won't punch you guys. But.." Alexandria began walking away before looking back at the boys.

"Have a little respect for us ladies. After all, one did just beat you in a game you called male tradition," Alexandria smirked before sashaying away.

"That ass, man," Bryce lightly punched Monty's arm. "I could hit that. She'd totally let me hit that," Monty spoke. "Really?" Bryce laughed before raising his eyebrows.

"Come on, guys. Didn't you just hear? Have a little respect," Scott spoke up.


spoiler alert: scott gets mad
at alexandria, which pushes their
relationship further back 😄

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