twelve, what happened to you.

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ALEXANDRIA OPENED HER FRONT DOOR, finding her mother waiting in the kitchen. "Have a seat, mija," Marisol spoke. Alexandria slid her backpack off her shoulders before dropping it at the bottom of the staircase.

The girl walked into the kitchen, taking a seat on one of the red barstools. Marisol let out a sigh, folding one hand over the other. "Why aren't you in school?" Marisol asked.

"Rough day," Alexandria raised her shoulders. "Your grades are dropping, and every day, I get a call from your counselor, telling me that you missed at least one of your classes," Marisol spoke, letting out a sigh.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I'll turn in my assignments, and I'll start going to class," Alexandria let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She thought her mom had found out about the rumors going around school or what she'd said to Nova.

"Okay," Marisol muttered, causing Alexandria to stand up. The girl began walking towards the stairs but shortly stopped when her mother called, "What happened to you? You used to be so happy."

Alexandria stormed back to the island counter, sitting at the stool. "You wanna know what happened to me, Ma?"

"Life happened, and it sucks. Dad died. I started high school. I get in one fight with some privileged white girl who had it coming to her for years. It's either I get expelled or I go to jail! Thank God, I had Nova by my side though, right? Well, guess what, Mom!" Alexandria paused. Should she continue? Her mom would probably get the chancla and beat her ass after she yelled at her, but Alexandria didn't care. She needed to say this. It was all balled up inside her.

"I don't have Nova by my side anymore! And if you want the truth, if you want to know what happened to me.. I shouldn't have been expelled at all actually! Everything was Nova's fault. The drugs. The fight. All of it!"

"But since I was the minority in that occasion, since I'm the one with daddy issues, they point the finger at me! It wasn't fair," Alexandria shed a tear.

"Then, it's summer time. I meet this boy, this boy who I eventually ended up liking. Even loving. You know what happened there? The same thing that always happens. He left, and what came with it was worse than heartbreak, Ma! I got labeled the school slut. Oh, yeah, you didn't know that," Alexandria shouted before wiping her tears.

"Now, I'm gonna go back to school tomorrow, and I'm gonna pray everything's going to be okay, but you and I both know how high school works. Nova's still gonna hate me, I'm still gonna be a slut, and guess what? Dad's still gonna be dead!" the girl spat before taking a seat in the barstool.

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