20: Stolen Kisses

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Before I could open the door on my side, Roy was racing around the front and opening my door for me. I gave him a questioning look which he responded to with his usual, charming smirk.

"What? You are the one that called me your boyfriend back at the club."

I blushed crimson but didn't say anything in way of argument. I followed him into his apartment building, trying to cool down my face so that we could get down to business and get this whole talking thing out of the way. I really hope that whatever he has to say won't tear us apart.

My heart hammered in my chest, thoughts went through my mind like lightening, and my palms sweat like there is no tomorrow. Roy takes his sweet time coming back into the room with our drinks. A beer for him and a sweet tea for me.

I take my drink thankfully, hoping that the cool glass will stop the further embarrassment of my sweaty palms. I have the urge to place it to my forehead because God is it hot in here? Doesn't he know the meaning of A/C. Geez, how long will it take before my clothes become soaked and I'm basically swimming in a pool of my own sweat? Lord help me now and please just let the floor swallow me whole.

I force my mind to calm down. Whatever happens is going to happen and my erratic behavior and thoughts can do nothing about it. So I might as well save myself the embarrassment and stop my inner panic.

"I don't even know where to start,"he says, taking a long pull at the stem of his beer bottle.

I sigh,"How about the drugs?"

"I guess that's the easiest part to clear up,"and now I'm officially worried,"I was holding it for a friend. I know that sounds like the oldest excuse in the books, but it's the truth. His house was being fumigated for termites and so he had to stash it somewhere safe. Honestly, I didn't even know it was there. He just hid it there without my knowledge and only told me the truth when I called him the other day after you left."

"I believe you,"I say,"But how is that the easiest to clear up? Oh, I think I might need something stronger than sweet tea."

He nods and gets up, coming back with a Mike's Hard Lemonade and taking a big gulp of my tea before filling the cup to the brim by mixing the alcohol with my favorite drink of all time.

"Thanks,"I nod and he nods back, going to continue his perch on the edge of the sofa.

He takes a deep breath and I don't prod, thinking that maybe he needs time to collect his thoughts and find the nerve to tell me whatever secrets are left between us.

Finally, after what felt like a lifetime of silence, he starts,"So, I'm sure you've heard the never-ending rumors about me, most of them not being the least bit true. I am a man whore, I break girls hearts. But a lot of guys do it, and yeah I feel bad about it, but it's behind me now and I'm over it. Especially now that I've met you."

And que awkward blushing from not only me, but the infamous Roy Garrett as well.

"Another one that is true, at least at its base, is that I spent a year in juvie when I was in high school. I know it sounds serious, and I guess it was, but please don't freak out,"he says, holding his hands up and looking at me pleadingly.

I'm not going to freak out. I'm done freaking out. So I just nod and wait for him to continue, knowing that he could say he ran over someone and buried them in a field and even then I probably wouldn't be able to stop how I feel about him. So bring it. And bring it he did.

"So, you already know about my mom so at least I don't have to drop that bomb too. When I was about sixteen, my dad had already been gone for a good few years and my mom had just found out about her cancer. She was already struggling to pay the bills and keep food on the table and then she also had to start paying all of the doctor's bills. It came to a point where she was calling off all of her appointments, just so that she could keep us from losing our house. Then, one night, there was no dinner. I panicked and my mom just looked at me, guilt plastered all over her face. But this wasn't her fucking fault. It was life. Life hated us. First my dad, our major source of income, leaves and then mom can't work anymore cause she's sick and my part time job wasn't bringing in enough money to take care of one person, let alone two. So I went to the local grocery and stole probably around two-hundred dollars worth of food along with all of the money in the cash register. Don't ask how. I brought it home and I was so proud. My mom didn't even get to see the jackpot before the police showed up and knocked on the door. The look on my mom's face when I went to court killed me. She wasn't angry, which I could have handled. No, she had that stupid guilty look on her face that drives me fucking insane. So I piss off the judge and I make sure to get as much time as I can. So I can stay away from my mom and her look. So I could give her one less mouth to feed."

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