Letter 4

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Dear V. C.,

You're really a Soc? Ugh, how can you sleep at night. Socs are terrible.

They think they have it all just because they get whatever they want.

It's kind of weird because you're not like that at all.
And you said you want to be a greaser?

Well, why don't you?
You probably have some money for yourself, you should get a small house over on our territory.

I'm sure Buck would even
let you rent out a room at his bar
like he let me.

I can meet you this Thursday after
your school ends.
When does it end by the way?

Don't you go to Will Rodgers High
School with Ariel and Ponyboy?

Yeah, I hate that school
you're basically high class or low class, and they judge you for it.

Troubles all over this town man.
Hopefully, I can meet you Thursday though after school.

- Dally

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