Letter 7

260 14 1

Dear Dallas,

I'm sorry I was unavailable Thursday. My sister is getting
married and she asked me at the last minute to help her pick out a
wedding dress.

I didn't have your number, so I couldn't tell you I wouldn't be there.
I'm sorry for that.

I saw you and Sylvia at the park
the other day holding hands.

I guess that tells me to get off your back. I won't bother you

I know I'm just an annoying girl to you, but I really can't help myself.
I've liked you for awhile.

I remember the first time you talked to me at the movies.

I was sitting with my friend Cherry and her friend Marcia.

You kind of flirted with me and I guess I kind of liked it, but
Cherry told you to fuck off.

I hope we can be friends someday, or for you to at least find out who
I am first.

- V. C.

Write It DownDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora