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You waited as the spaceship eventually landed on Titan. The landing was rough, considering the fact that no one on board really knew how to stop the ship, causing it to crash onto the planet rather than land softly. 

You all stood up after the landing and Peter said, "Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something, and I eat one of you, I'm sorry. "I do not want another single pop-culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip. Understand?" Tony responded as you looked at Peter with a small smile. "I'm trying to say that something is coming," Peter replied. 

Your smile suddenly fell as a group of people burst through the spaceship and began attacking you four. You all fought, but in the end, someone with a mask on with red glowing eyes ended up holding a gun to your head as everyone else in both groups had one weapon or another pointed at each other. 

"Everybody stay where you are and chill the F out. I'm going to ask you this one time. Where is Gamora?" the man with the mask, who you heard someone call Quill, asked. "Yeah, I'll do you one better. Who is Gamora?" Stephen asked. "I'll do you one better! Why is Gamora?" the man who Stark had a one-up on asked.

"Let him go, or I swear I'm going to french fry her," Quill told Tony, looking at his man on the ground. "Do it! You shoot her and I'll blast him," Tony replied. "No!" Stephen yelled in response. "Do it, Quill! I can take it!" the man on the ground stated. 

"No, he can't take it," one of the members of their group, a girl, responded. "She's right, he can't take it," Stephen added. "Oh yeah? You don't want to tell me where she is? That's fine. I'll kill all four of you and beat it out of Thanos myself. Starting with you," Quill stated, directing it towards you. "Wait, what? Thanos? Alright...let me ask you this one time, what master do you serve?" Stephen asked Quill.

"What master do I serve? What, am I supposed to say, Jesus Christ?" Quill replied. "You're from Earth," Tony stated, backing off the man on the ground a little bit. "Not from Earth, I'm from Missouri," Quill snapped back. 

"Yeah, that's on Earth, dipshit. Why are you hassling us for?" Tony responded. "Wait, so you're not with Thanos?" Peter asked Quill. "With Thanos? No, I'm here to kill Thanos. He has my girl," Quill replied. "And you have mine. Please release her, and I won't ask twice," Stephen stated. Quill let you go, and you walked over to Stephen holding his hand.

"Wait, who are you?" Quill asked. "We're the Avengers, man," Peter told him. "You're the ones Thor told us about," the girl member asked. "You know Thor?" Tony asked. "Yeah, tall guy, not that good-looking," Quill replied. 

"Okay, look, as fun as this has all been, Thanos is coming, so how about we find a way to work together before we all die," you stated, walking out of the spaceship, and onto the planet. Everything was completely destroyed. "What the hell happened to this planet?" you asked the slow-moving group of people behind you. 

"The gravitational pull is all over the place," Quill added. Everyone stood in a circle, except Stephen, as Tony began explaining his plan of what to do when Thanos get to the planet. Shortly into the plan, Quill decided to come up with a completely different plan, and they began to bicker. 

After a moment, the girl member of the other group who told you her name was Mantis, said, "Excuse me, but does your friend often do that?" You all looked over at Stephen and found him sitting in a meditative position, convulsing. 

"Stephen? Baby?" you asked, approaching him. Stephen appeared as though he couldn't hear you, and then in a split moment, he snapped out of the trance and fell to the ground. You quickly went to his side, and placed your hand on his cheek, "It's okay, you're back," you told him. Stephen looked around for a moment as if regaining his senses but then leaned into your touch. 

"Hey, what was that?" Tony asked Stephen, taking a step closer to the two of you. "I went forward in time to view alternate futures. To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict," Stephen explained.

"How many did you see?" Tony asked. "14,000,605," Stephen replied, and you moved your hand from his cheek to his hand. "How many did we win?" Tony questioned. Stephen hesitated for a moment, before answering, "One." Everyone looked at each other, panic beginning to arise. Everyone began saying things that might contribute to making a good plan, and eventually, you had all come up with one. Now, all you had to do was wait for Thanos to come. 

You were sitting next to Stephen as you all awaited Thanos. Your head was laying on his shoulder as his hand rested on your thigh. "How did we go from being two amazing surgeons to wizards who have to save the world?" you asked him with a small smile.

Stephen chuckled a little and told you, "I don't know. It's a crazy world." You nodded your head and looked up at him, asking "If you had the chance, would you do it all over again?" Stephen thought for a slight moment and then replied, "No, because no matter what we've gone through, you and I ended up together, so that's all that matters."

You smiled and placed a small kiss on his lips. "You better not die on me," you told him. "I'll do my best," he replied, pulling you close. You wanted to enjoy every moment you had with him right now, because you knew that as soon as Thanos showed up, there wouldn't be another moment like it. 

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