Kissing in the Rain

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A/N: it got a little draker and less fluffier than planned but I kind of got carried away with the last one so bear with me. Anyhow, I loved this one and will definately write more. I hope you still like it though!

Three times, Natasha and Clint kissed in the rain and one time they almost didn’t.

He hated the rain. Always had. It reminded him of past days in the circus, the night his Brother betrayed him and endless nights waiting for a hit, somewhere in the shadows on a faraway rooftop.
Today, he hated the rain especially. He was running over the Rooftops of Nice on full speed. The water had already found its way through all his clothes, leaving him soaked. Of course, the tiles got even more slippery the longer he ran, and dress shoes had zero to no none grip.
There he was, clad in an expensive suit that the R&D Department wouldn't get back in wearable shape. The stiff shirt fabric clung to his body like a very uncomfortable second skin and half of his formerly white button down was tainted red from a shoulder wound.
Behind him was an Armada of thugs, guns blazing and hot on his heels. The Archer could only hope to reach the rendezvous point before he got any more additional holes.
Three houses down, he could already see the red dress of his partner. She had taken another route and was running in his direction, guns in hand. He could feel the bullets wheeze past him and shouts of pain told him the lines of his pursuers were thinning.
God he loved her.
How she looked, standing there barefoot in her red ballgown, guns blazing and ready to take down an entire army. The rain only accented the perfect fit of her dress and made her look like an avenging angel, ready to swoop down and save him.
He was only a few feet away, still going at full speed. Once he reached her, Clint picked her up over his shoulder so she could still shoot and never stopped running. They were close to the shore. If he could only make it another two blocks, there would be a save escape through the water.
She took out all of the nearest pursuers but there were more coming a hundred meters away. He saw the edge of the last building, from the map, Clint knew it was directly next to the harbour. Just before they reached the edge, he pulled her down until she was in his arms and kissed her. For a moment, everything stopped. He knew that he was still running, it was still raining and they kept shooting at them. But for a few seconds none of that mattered.
Then, he felt the edge coming and jumped.

Natasha was wandering the nightly streets of New York, only few People passed her on her way. She loved the quiet and calmness of a sleeping city. Nobody talked, nobody rushed. Somewhere during the last hour it had started to rain, lightly at first and then stronger. She was sure that she had to be shivering by now but couldn’t get herself to care. The half-empty vodka bottle in her hand numbed everything, leaving her in a soft bubble.
The last mission was a disaster. A whole school got blown to pieces by terrorist and there had been nothing they could have done to stop it. Her partner barely dragged her out before the whole building collapsed.
She wandered for hours until the spy found herself in front of a battered Apartment building in Bed-Stuy. The Fire-escape ladder was always unlocked and after a quick jump, she was able to pull it down. Having climbed the way for a hundred times, Natasha made almost no sound when she pulled herself up onto the roof.
On the opposite side, a lone figure sat in the rain. He didn’t move when she slowly approached the ledge he was sitting on, but she knew that her coming had been registered. They weren’t world’s best assassins for nothing.
Quietly, the red-head sat beside him and let Clint wrap her in his arms. Her partner knew what she needed and shared the silence willingly. After some time, he pulled her in his lap, holding her close. They were each other’s only constants in Life. The only thing that would never vanish.
When she finally raised her head to meet his gaze, Natasha could clearly see the tears between the raindrops. Her own had mixed with the water long ago. The kiss they shared that night was not sweet or careful but fierce and demanding, assuring each other they were still there and alive.
Neither of them knew how long they could count on that.

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