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It was a quiet day in the Tower, the last threat had been eliminated a week ago and besides the two Shield agents, everybody got some time to relax. Rogers had the idea of doing a tactical brief in the afternoon. They would discuss strategies and whether past performances could be improved. For that occasion, Fury had sent the files of every member over to them to be able to make a list of everyone’s abilities. The chances were high they’d find something new since the team was only working together for a short amount of time. They were good, yes but both Stark and Rogers had the feeling thighs could be improved if everybody knew more about the abilities of their teammates.
Once everyone had gathered in the conference room, Tony pulled up the files on a big screen starting with himself and the Captain. There was not much to be found in either file that the others didn't know about so he quickly moved on, opening Barton's next.
The sight of a half censored file made Steve frown. “What is that supposed to be?”
The Archer just shrugged unconcerned “Even I don't know all of my file. Besides were here for the abilities right? Those aren't blacked out.” With a sigh, Tony zoomed in on the three-page list under the headline: ‘Assets'
The first page was mostly a numeration of weapons he knew to use, starting with his bow and a modified sniper riffle passing every imaginable firearm and ending with throwing knifes. “Really?” the billionaire asked stopping somewhere in the lower third of the page “You know how to use a sword?”
“Actually I can do the traditional medieval style, Katanas and fencing. Oh, they forgot to mention the spear.” Everyone besides Natasha looked at him in shock “What? My mentor at the circus was specialized in swords and knifes, the bow came later.”
Tony shook his head, focusing back on the file. He skipped the parts about Nunchakus, Batons and Pens (What the hell??) and continued on the last page that counted primarily his physical and strategic abilities. They all were familiar with the perfect hand to hand of the two Shield Agents so he skipped that, too. Next was the section about undercover skills such as blending in and regular activities one should know if they wanted to portray a certain character. According to his File, he was trained as a dancer, poker player and several other sports.
Once Stark spotted the word ‘seduction’ he began to laugh “And I thought Romanoff was the seductress between you two. Tell me, how many poor women have you lured in?” instead of answering, the Archer smirked towards Natasha and stood up in a swift movement from where he was seated at the table. On his way to Tony, he let his hips sway a little and flexed under his tight under armour shirt. Barton grabbed the hem of Tony's shirt and shoved him up the wall grinding his body against him. His voice was a low rumble, an octave deeper than usual “Not only Women, Mr. Stark” he said, their faces so close they almost touched before Clint let go of the stuttering genius and returned to his seat. After a shared glance with Natasha, they both collapsed in laughter when Stark still struggled to collect himself.
Bruce jumped in diplomatically before anyone could start a fight “Alright. I think we've got you covered. Let's move to the next one.”
Tony nodded absently, still red in the face and opened Romanoff's file. It was even heavier censored than her partners, leaving only the Skills (even half a page more than Barton's) and a few personal facts open.
They read in silence this time until Stark had regained his usual teasing manner.  “Natalia? That's your real name? Well then; Hello Natalia.”
Natasha, who had still been snickering with Barton, turned still in an instant, her eyes now narrowed on Tony.
“RUN” Clint shouted and barley managed to catch his partner when she went lunging at the billionaire. They both went tumbling to the ground and Barton struggled to keep her under him. Seeing that none of the Avengers except Bruce had left the room, he shouted again “Get the fuck out you idiots. Lock the door. Don't let us out before I say so.” Tony finally reacted, opening the door to step out but The Captain was still hesitant, not wanting to leave his teammate alone.
“NOW” Barton commanded in a tome which left no room to argue and finally, Steve let himself being dragged out by the smaller man. The sound of the lock indicated it was save to let her go.
“Nat” he started soothingly, his hands stretched out to signal he meant no harm
“Who are you” her voice was cold, and he would have lied if it didn’t hurt him. “I will kill you!”
“Tasha it's alright. It's me Clint, your partner. You are save snap out of it.” The archer could see her slightly struggling at his name before her eyes turned cold again.
“I don't know you” she hissed, backing away.
“You are Natasha. Agent of Shield. I am Clint, your Hawk, ваш рыцарь в сияющих доспехах (your knight in shining armour), please Tasha snap out of it.“ He pleaded, getting to his knees and holdimg his hands up in surrender. Clint was sure he'd seen a spark at the nickname she'd given him.
She closed in, a hand around his throat but the moment she was going to snap his neck, the spy faltered. Her eyes scanned him and then her hand on his throat in confusion until she finally collapsed in his arms. He held her close, stroking her hair and quietly whispering in her ear until she stopped shaking.
Two hours later, Barton told Steve to open the door. He was sure the rest watched over the surveillance system the whole time. Stark opened his mouth but before he could voice a sentence, Natasha cut in. There was no trace of the mental breakdown in her voice when she explained what happened. “The red room used to brainwash me. Once they woke me up, they greeted me with the exact words you used earlier. That's why I changed to Natasha. I can get flashbacks sometimes. If it happens lock me somewhere I can't escape and wait for Barton he knows what to do.” She was in full agent mode right now, not letting any emotions cross her face.
“And what if he's away on a mission? Can you teach us what he does to get you back?” Bruce asked with a calm voice. He could relate the best to what it was like to turn into someone else. But Natasha shook her head “No. But you can show me pictures of children. Coulson tried it once and it worked.” Next to her, Clint flinched at the Name of his dead handler but kept quiet otherwise.

When Natasha excused herself, Barton stayed with the rest of the team. She needed space now.

Once she left, Tony walked up to him “I'm sorry.” The archer waved it off “It's fine you couldn't know.”
“May I ask what you can do to bring her back that we can't learn?” Steve stepped up, determined as always to help.
“Because it's not what I do. It's me. She can't hurt me and every time Natalia tries to, Natasha get's the upper hand.”, his voice was free of sadness but showed pride and affection.
“So you guys really are a thing, huh?” to his own surprise, Tony's tone bore no teasing. He was genuinely curious.

“That's not it. She still thinks she owes me something although by now Nat saved my ass often enough for three lifetimes. I guess she remembers the moment she changed every time she tries to kill me.” Steve and Tony nodded, not even realising that he never answered the question.

The following day, Natasha and Clint made a list of things they knew made her snap back into her old self. Their meeting was moved in the training room where everyone was to show their abilities. That way, the team could simultaneously practise new moves and formations and incidents were kept at a bare minimum.

Natasha even let herself get talked into showing some ballet by Steve while Barton got dared by Tony to do a few trapeze stunts. The incident the day before completely forgotten.

A/N: I think I will explore the Tony-Clint dares and bets a bit more in one of the next one shots! I think they would have a great dynamic;)

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