Boxing AU- Part 2

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A/N: If you didn't check out the songs before, I would really recommend to at least listen to the songs I directly mention in the following:) The link for the playlist is in chapter 1.

Natasha quickly finished the little feature she assembled out of their short interview and send it to Coulson to approve. She got his answer less than half an hour later and directed the text towards the editors.

To prepare for Sunday, she re-watched every one of his past 13 Fights. Since it would take her some time, Natasha asked her Boss Maria Hill if she could leave work early today. The older woman agreed and congratulated her for her exclusive interview rights. They would certainly benefit the paper.

Back in her Apartment, she made herself comfortable and arranged her notepad and pens before flicking on the TV.

She had to give him credit for making an entrance. It was the first thing she noticed. Even at his first fight, he got the audience to cheer more than they usually did for unknown newcomers.

His opening Song for the first three fights was 'Remember the Name' by Fort Minor;
"You ready?! Let's go!
Yeah, for those of you that wanna know what we're all about
It's like this y'all (c'mon)

This is ten percent luck
Twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure
Fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name"

On his first fight, he had the hood of his silky black robe pulled deep in his face for the walk towards the ring, only to shrug it off completely when the last line boomed through the speakers, raising his fists towards the sky. He looked much younger then even though it was only a little more than a year ago. Barton wore dark purple shorts and matching gloves. If the colour choice would have looked ridiculous on everybody else, it suited him.

Barton managed an impressive K.O. in the fourth round, sending his rival to the ground with a lightning fast upper-cut. His performance seemed to pay off when almost the whole stadium shouted his call sign upon his second fight entering to the same song. This time, his robe was dark purple with silver accents, she was sure he had picked up from Coulson's old colours grey and silver, and 'Hawkeye' stitched across his shoulder blades.

He acted like everybody's darling, bumping fists with Fans and doing some air punches upon entering the ring. His shorts changed colour from purple to mainly black with a few dark purple accents. While concentrating on his fighting, she had to agree that he indeed seemed to know exactly where to hit and when to retreat.

Upon his fourth fight, he changed the entrance song to 'Dearg Doom' by Horselips. Everybody knew him by now, so she understood the change. In means of advertising, she wasn't sure if she could even help the pair with that. They seemed to handle it perfectly. The crowd roared when Clint 'Hawkeye' Barton jogged through the Fans behind Coulson who cleared him a path.

"I'm a boy who was born to pain

And, like a hawk, I'll swoop and

Swoop again.

I am the of in the sun.

When you see me you had


He finished this one with a surprisingly fast knock out in the second round when his Rival Buck Chisholm dropped his guard once to often. After every fight, Barton disappeared waving to the crowd but never turned up for interviews or after talks. It was always Coulson who sat there and discussed the fight.

Natasha thought that it may be part of the strategy to keep the Newcomer in a mysterious light. It worked, she knew a lot of the Sports Magazines and online blogs were speculating on his origin. Maria could be glad she had gotten the exclusive rights both for the first interview and for the big fight. It would surely boost their sales.

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