Bar Fight

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*Warning* there will be vulgarity and sexist people im here.
Otherwise: enjoy

The Avengers had decided to hit a bar after one of their most recent encounters with AIM. Well not all of them, Tony was out on a date with Pepper and Thor was still in Asgard but the rest was more or less assembled.
Steve, Bruce, Sam, Natasha and Clint gathered in a small booth that was farthest from any possible pair of eyes. The evening was nice. Uneventful nice. They talked, exchanged Stories and recapitulated the latest fights. Once in a while one of them would offer to fetch new drinks and not before long, it was the Russian’s turn to go.
The men watched her walk off to the bar, ordering and sitting on one of the barstools to wait. Just as the group listened to one of Bruce's stories, a few guys neared Romanoff at the bar. Cap was the first to notice and nudged Barton who was sitting next to him. It had been established by now that the two assassins were an item. At least it was unspoken knowledge among the group.
The men around the redhead began to hit on her, obviously trying to lure her in. When Steve made a move to stand up, he was stopped by a strong hand resting on his shoulder. “Don't.” The Archer said, his eyes never leaving the scene “She will kick your ass if you try to help her. Even I am only allowed to help once they crossed a certain point.”
Rogers settled back on his spot, obviously in great discomfort. “Steve?” Clint asked, now focused on his teammate “Promise me not to help even if I go in? She won't forgive you.” The captain barely nodded but kept still.
“Why doesn’t Romanoff want help?” Sam piped up from where he sat beside Banner.
“She doesn’t need any. I am allowed to sometimes because she knows that she couldn't stop me.”
The scene had meanwhile exaggerated. New men had gathered around Natasha where she still sat on her stool with a smile, telling them to ‘fuck the hell off’. One of them didn't listen and reached out to grab her thigh only to receive a dislocated wrist and a few broken fingers in return. It was enough for some of them to get the message and flee but six particularly beefy and drunk men who seemed to be friends with the one whose wrist she'd broken closed in around her.
One of them gestured accusingly at her “YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?” Natasha only smiled, setting the glass aside she was holding “Your worst nightmare.” And stood to push past them. She was not forcing a fight when she didn't have to. Even though her and Clint actually had the permission to kill, in contrary to those MI6 Douches, Fury didn't like them getting involved.
However that option passed as soon as the one with the tribal tattoo pulled her back by her arm. “Where do you think you're going sweetheart?” a second later, he was on the floor. Screaming and holding his now dislocated shoulder. More guys closed in, building a right circle around her.
Meanwhile, the Archer had his eyes still trained on her just like the others. He'd already shed his leather jacket and looked like he was ready to bold. Steve thought it must be even harder for him to wait since Barton and Romanoff obviously had something more than just being Partners.
A big, tall brunette came up behind her, his hands reaching out for Natasha’s hips. “Why don't you come back with us?” it was barely audible at the Avenger's table but Barton abruptly stood “That's it. She can kick me later.” And slid a desert eagle across the table towards Sam “keep an eye on it.” Before he marched over to the group with few quick strides.
Steve had to fight hard to suppress the urge to follow his teammate, in time he'd grown very protective of them.

Reaching the circle, the Archer yanked one of the men back, sending him sprawling across the floor to open the human barrier. His voice wasn't loud but Bruce was sure it would be able to cut steel when he stepped into the opening “Hey Assholes! Get your Hands of my Wife before she breaks them.”
It was an interesting sight, seeing the rather small Agents between the bulky gangsters but neither of the Avengers doubted they would have a problem holding themselves.
With a smirk from Romanoff, both Assassins began to dismantle the group of aggressors. It looked like a dance really. They worked hand in hand, moving effortlessly through the people, slamming glasses and chairs to use them as weapons.
“Wait!” Sam suddenly turned to his remaining two companions while they still watched the pubs brawl going on.
“Did he just say wife?”

They left the pub ten minutes later after Barton had left a generous tip for the broken furniture and stepped on a few broken hands for the last time. Natasha also gracefully stalked over the bodies littered on the floor with her impossible high heels, ejecting a few grunts and whimpers on the go.
Outside she smiled, interlacing her arm with the Archer's as they followed the rest. “My knight in shining armour.” She chuckled when he protested. He shook his head “Don't call me that!” but didn't fight her arm around his waist.
“Then stop helping me.”


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