Chapter 10: Dream, Lake and Giving Warning

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Fact: The word "coffee" comes from the Arabic "qahhwat al-bun," meaning "wine of the bean”.

Chapter 10: Dream, Lake and Giving Warning

The third variable was the dream.

And when silence comes

And hope fades

Arabelle squinted her eyes to see properly, but the fog was so dense see couldn’t decipher anything. Confused she took a step forward, her shoes clanking against the hard floor. Arabelle hissed as a strong gust of air swept against her. “Where am I…?” she asked herself, the sound echoing in the silent unknown place.

 I keep on walking

On the unknown place

 Shivering, she moved around, hoping to see anything properly, but she was effulged by the thick mass of mist and fog. “Hello?” she called out, “Anyone here?”

 With the nightmares stalking

And isolation in place


The said person gasped and almost stumbled and fell. She straightened herself cautiously, looking around, “Who…” she began shakily, but then strengthened her voice and asked again, “Who is there?”

 She heard a chuckle, “Always persistent, aren’t you?” the voice said

She thrashed around the place, looking for something familiar, something comforting, but found nothing. Fear was pulsing through her heart pulses, covering her rapidly beating heart. “W-who are you?”

And when you are scared

Feeling helpless

 “I can’t tell you that, young Arabelle,” the voice said. Arabelle could hear despair between those words.

 “What do you mean?”

“Just…” the voice stumbled for a second, but later regained its composure and said, “Listen to me, Arabelle. Your life from now onwards won’t be any easier, you should brace yourself.”

Arabelle stared into the nothingness, finding her voice to speak, “You mean,” she choked out, “I am in danger?”


“B-but why?” exclaimed Arabelle said, “I don’t understand anything at all! Who am I really? What is happening?”

For some time the voice remained silent, Arabelle thought the owner has fled away, that thought made her fear abandonment all over again.

“I know it will be hard for you,” it finally said, Arabelle sensed comfort, “But believe me, you will be used to it. But right now, you should train yourself carefully; there are many out there waiting to kill you.”

“Train?” she repeated, “Wait-who wants to kill me?” she hurriedly asked.

But the owner of the voice already bid farewell, and next thing she knew she was falling into darkness. She screamed shrilly, desperate to hold on to anything. But the shadows enveloped her, taking her breath away. She could feel herself drowning…

You drown in sorrow

But then to be saved

And to realize

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