Chapter 2: Snowmen, Sticks and Falling

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Fact about Coffee:  Coffee is originally a fruit, it’s is called “Coffee Berries”, the reason they are called berries is because of their shape.

Chapter 2:  Snowmen, Sticks and Falling

From the start Arabelle was never scared of the dark. It always amazed her mother at how easily her daughter can endure the shadows of the dark elope her. She was always reluctant about letting her child go out in the dark, afraid she might be captured in the clutches of dark hopeless void. Whenever someone asks her about this fact, she would reply, “Why? Should I be afraid?”

She enjoyed the cold shadows of the dark; she almost wanted them to cover her, to save her from the loneliness. But she knew. She knew she can’t go to the dark without a companion.

Because dark is black.

 And Black is the absence of color, it hopes for nothing and expects for nothing.

But Arabelle didn’t understand the true meaning.

Not until now, anyways.

Arabelle encountered the said stranger, Nico di Angelo, many times after the scarf fiasco. Either it be the in school (Arabelle has no idea, how he can even sneak up to school; granted the fact that he isn’t a student), or the shopping mall (Sometimes Arabelle thinks he has way too much free time on hands), or heck -even McDonalds (it seemed strange to see the gloomy, lonely stranger eat a Happy Meal).

But the only encounter with Nico that actually changed something, that actually emitted some sparks happened in the park.  

Arabelle, as her usual routine took hold of some plain papers and sketching pencils and went to the infamous Miracle Rose Café to have her preferred and loved Coffee. Then with headphones tucked on her ears she would meander to the park. There she would find a perfect spot beside the tree and would sit there and just-draw.

It was a normal routine, really.

Who knew a certain stranger can change that?

As Arabelle, according to her typical preferred routine was drawing, a couple on the swings to be exact, she however heard someone snore from above the tree.

That was something unusual from her usual routine.

Curiosity took better of her; she placed her sketch pad on the soft grass and peered up. Her eyes widened in shock.

“Oh no.” she drawled, her eyes narrowed in annoyance, “Not again”

The stranger, named Nico di Angelo, also known as “The Scarf Stealer” was perched on the strong branch of the tree, sleeping. 

“Annd he calls me a stalker” she trailed off.

But then as she recalled, he did have eye bags, as if he had been deprived from sleep for a long time. She wondered why he was living like this; why make himself suffer?

She stood on her toes to get better look of him, the branch wasn’t considerably that high. Arabelle almost smiled at the peaceful expression of the teen. His eye brows were not scrunched together in the usual frown. His dark silky hair were coming down in long waves, Arabelle wondered why he hasn’t bothered to cut his hair. He almost looked serene. As if all his troubles had vanished away, along with reality. Arabelle voluntarily reached out her hand to move her fingers along the tangles of his hair.

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