Chapter 3: Secrets, Angels and Something New

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.:Café Latte:.

Fact about Coffee: There was a custom in Turkey, that if the husband doesn’t provide his wife with coffee, it can easily end in divorce.

Chapter 3: Secrets, Angels and Something New

A voice

Underground Echo

I am like a color;

That faded away

 -Drag On, Song of Darkness

 Arabelle never really had any friends.

Though Arabelle was never bothered by this fact, her mother and later aunt and uncle were worried about her profound loneliness. She would always be at home, while the other kinds her age would be out playing. At first her mother encouraged her to go out and make friends, as she couldn’t bear to see her in the lonely state that she was in. Arabelle, soon grew restless and worned out by the tactics of her mother that she once told her, “I don’t need a friends to be happy. I know friends hurt other friends.”

Her aunt and uncle, were however another story. They would always tell Arabelle to go out, making plans for her, or sometimes even calling a few people of her age over. But Arabelle had enough, she was more inclined on being alone, that she refused the entire offers she had been given. She believed more in finding a lonely person, she can accompany. In this way the two sad lonely people will not be so lonely anymore.

She never found a lonely person, she could accompany. She soon gave up on the thought.

But then, she met the stranger.


Nico di Angelo always thought of Arabelle to be a childish immature girl, who has a cheery and bubbly personality. But then he knows she has a dark side within her, a side which she has hidden by her smile. But then, Nico never gave a second thought about her, she is just a meaningless person in his life, someone who would just go away.

He didn’t know the fates were against that.

He had so long learned the lesson of not depending on others. He knew that he shouldn’t look upon on people, he shouldn’t lean on them. Because, he knew that they would just leave and let him go. He never believed in a constant, like a Polaris; a constant star.

But then Nico also knew that he is just coming up with excuses, ways to not fall again. A part in him knew that Arabelle will come up to be a special person in his life. But Nico is just to blunt to realize.

Your broken heart requires all of my attention

‘Cause something isn’t right-I don’t wanna fight you

-Wipe your eyes, Maroon 5


 Arabelle was at the park when she found something New.

She was sitting beside the usual tree, with headphones covering her ears. She was hugging her knees, staring at the freshly fallen snow.

A sigh escaped her lips, marveling at the beauty of the scene displayed in front of her. She heard the light footsteps of the stranger walk up to her. She didn’t need to see whether it was him, she was so used to his voice of the footsteps; the slight fragrance of coffee, the aura of darkness that she already knew it was him.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” she whispered.

The stranger didn’t reply but she knew he agreed.

“You know,” she said, “I was thinking, that maybe there are Angels on earth.”

Nico sat down beside her, leaning against the bark of the tree. Arabelle smiled at him.  

“People can’t really indentify an Angel when they see one, of course” she said, “That’s why they are called Angel in Disguise.”

He gave his head a shook, urging her to go on. Arabelle didn’t know, but Nico felt himself calm down whenever she speaks, it seems weird. But hey, whose world are you living?

“But then comes they thought that who can be called an Angel?” she asked. Arabelle extended her hand as the soft snow flakes floated from the heavens to her palm. “What I think is that, an Angel is the one who has changed some one’s life. Who has bought something New.”

Nico hummed in reply, his eyes closed.  Arabelle took that as a sign of understanding. Silence soon followed after. The howling of wind, the creaking of the swings, and the crunching of the snow under someone’s feet.

“My mother died when I was young,” she heard him say after a while. Arabelle turned towards him. The stranger was sitting cross-legged; his head bent low staring at his pallid hands, which were resting on his legs. “She was killed by someone,” he continued, bitterness in his voice. “My father managed to save me and my sister but-not her” he explained. Arabelle nodded, urging him to go on. She didn’t say anything, she knew that Nico didn’t need any apologize, or words of comfort.

“We both were chucked at some casino for some while. Then we were taken to some school.” Nico continued, “And from there my life turned worse.”

Arabelle remained quiet.

“My sister, Bianca di Angelo died after we were taken a camp, Camp Half-Blood” he said solemnly, blaring his fists, “She was the only family I had. Father had abandoned us. I was left all alone. I had nowhere to go!”

“You do,” Arabelle said, “You have a home, but it’s too far away”

“And the worst thing was,” Niso said, his wrist shaking, “I had a crush on the person who promised to keep my sister safe.”

“Your name…” Arabelle said cautiously, “It means victorious, right?”

Nico nodded, but turned to look at her when she giggled, “Then you are a Victorious Angel” she said, smiling. “And you know that to win something you have to do through sacrifices.”

Nico smiled lightly, it wasn’t big, only the sides of his lips quirked up, but to Arabelle it was enough.

“So…” she pondered on, “That means, that your sister Bianca would be White Angel” she grinned, her cheeks flushed with happiness.

Nico looked at her, and for the first time Arabelle saw a spark in them, as if he has started to hope, as if he has found something New.

“Yeah” he agreed, “But what about you? What kind of Angel are you?”

Arabelle didn’t reply.

 Angel, oh angel, you have my heart,

I’ll catch you when you fall down,

When you fall apart.

Angel, oh angel, you have my soul,

‘Cause heaven knows when two halves make a whole

-Angel’s song, SaywecanFly

 When Arabelle returned home, her aunt say her smiling, lighting up her green eyes. “Well, someone looks happy today,” she said cheekily, poking Arabelle’s cheeks, “Mind telling me the reason? Arabelle smiled more, her eyes almost looking blue, “Nothing” she replied, “I just found something New.”

 * * *

Anndd, the next chapter is up! I had really fun writing this one, from the start I wanted to add a smiling Nico and Angels, who knew I could add them together? I hope you enjoyed this one as I enjoyed writing! (Smiles cheekily)

To have more smiling Nico you will have to comment~~ (I am evil, aren’t I?)


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