Chapter 1: The Arrival

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You slouched on the passenger seat, sighing out of boredom. You're in the car with your dad currently going to your new school, Bullworth Academy, again after you got expelled from your last one. Your history of trouble goes on and on, ranging from bad language to graffiti to numerous acts of violence. You look out the window, lost in your train of thought about what to expect, not really afraid but just curious to see how the people are like.

"Okay honey. We're here."

You jump at the sudden remark while dazed off with your flooded mind. Your dad unlocks the car door with agitation plastered over his face as you head out. I looked at him in confusion, tilting my head as to what he seemed slightly nervous about.

"Sorry, (Y/N). I'm just worried that you'll do something bad again. This is the 4th time I had to transfer you!" he noted.

"Dad, it's fine. I won't smash someone's face in this time." I chuckled, but I know I can't promise him that.

"Alright then." he replies worried still. "Have fun honey, love you."

"Love you too." and there he drove off.

I turned around watching the towering gates slowly open up for me. "Oh boy. Let's see how my journey goes at this place." I thought, eagerly. As I made my way inside, I was instantly stopped by a short freckled boy with a blonde buzzcut. I tried to stop myself from giggling, he had a potato head.

"Hey, you must be the new kid. I'm Jimmy Hopkins. What's your name?" he asked, nonchalantly with his hands in his front pockets.

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N). Also, umm, would you mind showing me where the office is?" He nods his head and gestures me to go forward, him walking behind me. He seemed pretty chill. Usually, once a new kid steps in they immediately get hate and shit on, from my experience at least. Judging from the many things going around me, I assumed this place was like hell in school edition. To my right, there was a little kid stuffed in a garbage bin by a black-eyed prick wearing a white uniform, and glancing to my left I spotted a fat dude with an unzipped fly getting chased down by a blond buff guy holding a baseball bat. "SLOW DOWN SO RUSSELL CAN SMASH YOU!!" you heard in the distance.

"Jeez, this place is a fucking chaos!" I exclaimed, looking around fascinated by all the troublemakers.

"If you think that's crazy, imagine if you were here last year." Jimmy shaked his head, annoyed by the incidents regarding that time. I was curious to what he meant but I shrugged it off.

We stepped inside and I was surprised at the sight. People itching, bullying and getting bullied and guys with blue suits scolding innocent students. I quickly gazed at Jimmy who seemed he didn't give a care in the world. Of course, he was used to seeing this stuff.

"Just go up the stairs and it's right in front of ya. Also, the girls dorm is on the right from where you walked in." he explained. I thanked him and he headed back out. I headed torward the stairs when I stopped after he called me.

"Wait, (Y/N)!"

I questioned him silently.

"Meet me in front of the boys dorm whenever you're done. I'll introduce you to some people and we'll tour you around. It's right across the girls dorm."

"Gotchya. Thanks." I smiled. He waved goodbye and left the building just as I turned to the office.


After the little talk with Dr. Crabblebitch- er, Crabblesnitch, I strolled out the main building going to the girls dorm.

As I went up to the second floor and down the hall to where my room was, I couldn't help but feel disgusted at the pink screaming around me on the walls and Hello Kitty-like vibes. Definitely too girly for me, I mean, white could've been better.

I unpacked for about 5 minutes then took a break. Are you fucking kidding me, I'm literally tired just taking out clothes and tossing them into my closet and I was SITTING DOWN. I scoffed and grabbed my uniform they'd layed on the far corner of my bed.

Observing myself on the mirror, the skirt actually seemed a little high because of my big butt. Also, due to me being bosomy, the white button up shirt was kinda tight on my chest but other than that, I hooked on my suspenders and directed myself to the boys dorm for the meet or whatever.

Quick A/N
yes, this is my first fanfic ever. and whatever negative reviews i get i undERSTAND and i'd probably do the same too

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