Scene 5

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Scene 5

(4:30am T.S.I Headquarters, no spies there yet)

(Thistle looking for someone)

(Pitch Black)

(Thistle bumps into........)

Thistle: Bomb is that you darling?

Bomb: Yes it is me. The Great and Powerful Bomb Voyage!

Bomb: Did you come alone?

Thistle: Yes I think!

Bomb: What do you mean "you think"?!

Thistle: I didn't really check if we were alone.

Bomb: (Annoyed) Did you put the bomb in the center of the earth?

(Bomb gave Thistle a fake bomb to put in the earth, the real one is in the necklace he gave her)

Thistle: Yes of course I did. So how much longer until the earth blows up and I become Queen of the Universe?

(Bomb giving Thistle a ruby gem necklace with the real bomb in it, Thistle not knowing that)

Thistle: oh Bomb, how sweet of you!

(Thistle hugs Bomb, but Bomb smerks over her shoulder, Thistle not seeing Bomb's face)

Bomb: Very soon my dear, very soon!

Bomb: Did you tell anyone about our revenge-seeking alliance?

Thistle: No why would I?

Bomb: Just keep putting on your "nicey-nice" act so nobody gets suspicious!

Bomb: And if anybody gets in your way, toss them out like yesterday's garbage!

(Both evil laughter)

Bomb: That's enough laughing for now.

(Thistle's face freezes)

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