Scene 4

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Scene 4

(12:00 PM Teachers Lounge)

(Jenny and Faye walking into Teachers Lounge)

Jenny: How was your day so far, Faye?

Faye: Stressful, yours?

Jenny: Mine too. Who knew this teaching thing would be so much work?

Jenny: I didn't even bring sensible footwear!

(Pointing down at her black round toe heels)

Faye: I had to go to the Keurig Machine ten times this morning.

(Jenny rolls her eyes at Faye)

Faye: You know I'm a stress drinker!

Jenny: At least we can enjoy our lunch in peace......

Faye: Where is everybody?

(Jenny closing her eyes and lying back in chair)

Jenny: Probably getting Dunkin Donuts!

(Trap door opens)

(Jenny and Faye fall in)

Trap door leads to slide)

Jenny: Where are we?

Faye: How should I know? There's no "Welcome to Dunkin Donuts" sign!

Jenny: I knew this school wasn't normal when people said they drank coffee!

Faye: Can we please get over the coffee thing?

Jenny: (Staring at Faye and talking in a creepy Gollum like tone) No! Never!

(Jenny and Faye fall to the bottom of a dark room)

(Thistle Burst turns lights on)

Jenny: My eyes. I can't see!

Faye: The pain! The torture!

Jenny: And that's why I don't question you being the head of Drama.

(Jenny and Faye can see again)

Thistle: Well hello, Jenny and Faye. Welcome to T.S.I!

Jenny: The what now?!

Thistle: T.S.I. It stands for Teacher Spy Institute.

Faye: So you're spies. That's cool. Are you the super sneaky kind or the save the world kind?

Symone: Both! I'm Symone Hallows!

Kennedy: And I'm Kennedy Williams!

Thistle: We called you down here today because we want to recruit you into T.S.I's Super Spy Program.

Faye: Really?

Jenny: I don't know about this! It's all so sudden!

Thistle:You begin your training in the morning.

Jenny: I think we need some time to think about this.

(Faye and Jenny think for about one second)

Faye: Ok. Done! We're in!

Kennedy: You must never speak of this conversation or T.S.I to anybody! Ever!

Jenny: Why not?

Thistle: Because there are evil people looking to get their grubby little hands on you at any cost!

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