Scene 3

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Scene 3

(Jenny not liking that peppy conversation, goes to her newly organized, soon to be messy desk to have her tea and oatmeal)

Jenny: (Thinking out loud) First thing on a Monday is a peppy teacher. Well I know how this year is going to be!

(Olive Keen walks in)

Jenny: (Partly yelling) If you're here to give me coffee, tell me anything about coffee, leave or to tell me you're not a coffee addicted weirdo, obviously you're denying it. You have five minutes to talk.

Olive: Ok, well I just came in here to say "Hi" and to welcome you onto Westchester's finest faculty and staff since 2006. I'm Olive Keen.

Olive: And I'm very sorry to put you in such a horrifyingly awful mood.

Jenny: It's not you. It was just Pixie giving me this big peppy intro on a Monday.

Jenny: Note this: I hate MONDAYS!!!!

Olive: Duly noted.

Jenny: And also: I hate COFFEE!!!!

Olive: Now I have to get back to my room before the kids arrive here.

Jenny: Oh yeah kids, forgot about that!

Jenny: (Talking to Olive when she was already in her room) Thanks for making me have more anxiety attacks, Olive!!

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