Scene 1

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Scene 1

(6:15 am Jenny driving her Berry Maroon 2013 Honda Accord to her new job as a first time teacher)

(Jenny calling best friend Faye Grey who also has gotten the same job)

Jenny: Come on Faye, pick up already!

(Faye finally picks up)

Faye: (Sleepy) Yes?

Jenny: Faye? Are you even up yet?

Faye: No why? It's Sunday isn't it?

Jenny: No it's Monday and last time I checked we both got a job as teachers, that means getting up at 4am and having 10 cups of coffee from the Keurig Machine.

Faye: But I hate Mondays!!!!

Jenny: (Thinking to self) Well then stock up on Dunkin Donuts coffee for the rest of the year.

(Jenny starts turning on the radio to OneRepublic, droning out Faye's whining)

Faye: (Screaming) JENNY CAN YOU HEAR ME?!!?!?!

Jenny: (Dancing while driving)

(Faye get frustrated and hangs up phone)

(Jenny pulls in to teachers parking lot)

Jenny: Oh my gosh, I forgot to paint my nails.

(Jenny pulls out Essie Red Maroon nail polish out of Michael Kor Tan purse)

Jenny: I hope nobody sees me doing this on the first day!

(Jenny putting her feet up on the dashboard)

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