The Need To Help

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The need to help...

"DeAnn honey time to get up." Diana whispered to her daughter in the early hours of a Friday morning.

"No Mummy I'm still want to sleep."

"Do you want to help Mummy help other people?"  DeAnn raised her head slightly at her mother.

"Do I still have to go to school?"

"Yes you still have school." Diana replied pulling the blanket from her daughter.

"Good my heart almost stopped for a minute." Diana laughed at her daughter's words. Never have she met a child that love school this much.

"I would not want to keep you from school. Now get dressed the car is waiting outside for us."

"Yes Ma'am." Quickly getting dressed she rushed downstairs to meet her mother who was waiting for her at the door.


"We may go." DeAnn stated.

"Are you not forgetting something."


"Look behind you." Diana told her daughter. The girls eyes lit up at the sight of her father.

"Papa your home." She grin rushing into her fathers arm's. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." Charles replied kissing the top of his daughter's head. "Where are you off too?"

"We going to do charity work."

"This early?" Charles asked looking at his wife. Diana just rolled her eyes at his questions.

"We are going to be feeding the homeless."

"That is unsafe for a girl her age."

"They need all the help they can get. The sooner we make the children realise that there is a world outside the castle walls the better it will be for them. Now we are going. Come along DeAnn." Diana opened the door leaving no room for Charles to argue. Before the future king could blink they where out of the door.


The look on the young girls face said it all. She was heartbroken by what she saw. She wanted to do more. Stay longer. Hand out more food. Help these people get back on their feet.

"DeAnn are you listening?" Diana asked grabbing her daughter's attention.


"I asked if you...never mind tell me what is on your mind my angel."

She looked at her mother before bursting into tears. "They didn't even care who we where. All they wanted was the food and blankets. That is how desperate they are."

"How does that make you feel?"

"Sad, angry, desperate."

"Why desperate?"

"I'm desperate because I want someone to help them. I want them to get help. Maybe I can help them. Will you help me help them Mummy?"

"How?" Diana knew how to help these people but she wanted her daughter to figuw out her own way of helping them. Figure out her own plan of action.

"I do not know how yet but I'm going to work on a plan." With that she rushed out of the car into the palace. "oh and Mummy I won't be going to school today."


"Not now Harry." She cut her twin off rushing to her bedroom.

"What's the matter with her?" Charles asked Diana.

"She wants to help people."

That was the day DeAnn became the spiting image of her mother in every aspect. She started her very first charity at the age of ten with the help of her mother and the Queen.

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