A Brothers Love

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A Brothers Love...

DeAnn walked behind Queen inspecting the Royal Army. It was the Queen's birthday and she asked DeAnn to join.

"Come on laugh. I know you want to." DeAnn tease William. He just stared up trying not to laugh at his sisters antics. "You are no fun. I'll go try Harry."

The princess walked up in the line when someone caught her attention.

"Hi there soldier."

"Your Highness." He replied

"I thought you where going to call?" She asked.

"I was ordered not to your Highness." He replied looking up ahead.

"By whom?" He broke eye contact with her but kept his position. "Let me try this again. I Princess DeAnn Charlotte Rosalie of Wales order you to tell me who gave you the order not to contact me." When she didn't get a reply she knew it was someone higher up.

"If it was my grandmother or father blink once. If it was Harry or William blink twice."  Then he blinked twice after a minute of hesitation. "If it was William blink once if it was Harry blink twice."

"DeAnn." The Queen called breaking the staring contest she had with Roman.

"One moment." She called back to the Queen. "Call me later. I know you kept my number."

"William!" DeAnn shout when her brothers walked into the dining room. Harry immediately took himself out of the equation. "How could you do that."

"Do what?"

"Order Roman not to call me."She paused turning to her family who was wondering if they heard her right. "Yes family you heard me right. He order someone not to call me."

"William why would you do that?"  The Queen asked her grandson.

"His my boss did you expect me to be happy that he was talking to my sister. Plus it's not like he likes you his probably just using you for your royal states." 

"Wow." DeAnn replied at William's words. "Cause why can anyone like me for something other then who I am?"

"That's not what I ment. What I ment to say was his three years older than you. His going to break your heat." This made her glare at him even harder.

"I am very disappointed in you.
Don't talk to me for the rest of the week. I don't care if you on your dead bed. For the rest of the week I only have one brother." With that said she turned away from him and took a seat far away from him.

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