It's Happening

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It's Happening...

"Fuck it all. Life's a bitch" DeAnn snapped at her husband. The Duke looked taken aback at his wife's outburst.

"I just asked what you want to eat."

DeAnn glance at Roman stated before before DeAnn took out her earphones. "Pardon?"

"Never mind what are you listening?"

"The birthing process done quickly and easily. To me this is a whole lot of nonsense. This is why I'm doing a home birth with just the doctor and a nurse and you. I don't want everyone looking and I sertanly don't want people seeing me at my most vulnerable. Quick and Easy has never happened to me." Roman had no idea what was happening but his just nob like William and Lucas told him to do. "...because my water broke."


"I said I am going to go shower and you are going to call everyone who that has to know because your daughter is making her way into the world."

"Oh no. I'm not ready yet."

"Are you pushing him out of a tiny humon out?"


"Then you are ready."  With that said DeAnn wobbled away leaving Roman to deal with his worries alone.

"I'm going to be a Dad." He told everyone the same thing then it was time to call the head of the family.

"This is His Royal Highness The Duke Of Kensington. I would like to talk to the Queen. It's urgent."

"Yes Your Highness I'll put you thought to the Queen."

What felt like hour's the Queen finally answered the phone.


"Your Majesty it's Roman. I'm going to be a dad. The baby is on it's way."

"Thank you for letting me know. Also Roman wish DeAnn luck from me. Roman."

"Yes Your Majesty?"


"Thank you Gran Lizbeth."

"How does this look?" DeAnn asked dressed in white night gown."

"Our daughter is going to be so lucky to have you as a her mum."

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