Silent Strength

176 7 9

Author's Note

This story is going to have some violence it, if you don't like it, don't read it. This is my first time ever writing a story that has different points of view, and my first time ever posting a story for the world to read. Also, I've only ever written sappy love stories, so this definitly a change for me. If it's not good, I'm sorry, I'm trying and taking a chance with this. ANY feedback is greatly appreciated, as long as it's not a straight-out hate comment. If you tell me something that I can do to improve this, or tell me something that  you love about my story or whatever, that would be amazing. I don't really know how much I'll be updating this, because I write it in my notebook and then come and post, so we'll see. Everytime I finish writing a chapter in my notebook I'll post, I promise. So yeah, if I don't get a good response on this I won't continue... Tell me if ya like it? 


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