not just a game

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Hercules has been staring at me a lot lately. Rodrigo seems to always be around. I don't know why. I just get the feeling that my emotions are being played with. I can't deal.

It's Saturday and I'm sleeping in. My phone is continuously ringing. It won't stop. I picked it up and answered.

"Hello?" I said drowsily.

"Hey mamas. What ya up to?" Rodrigo spoke.

"I was sleeping. Can't you tell by my voice?"

"yea. It sound sexy too. "

"ummm" I blushed.

"Don't ummm me. Come ride me." No he didn't!

"Oh my gosh...." I gasped.

"That's what you gon be sayin when I bust it open" he chuckled.

"Erm.... I ....ummm..." I stuttered. I couldn't even get a proper sentence out. My mind went blank.

"You'll be okay." he said. I could tell he was smiling on the other end of the phone.

"You freaky. Hehehe. What you doing?" I asked. I was still blushing and smiling.

"About to come get you. Get dressed." he said.

"Okay. Fine." I said before we hung up.

I got in the shower and took a hot steaming shower for fifteen minutes. I then dried off and moisturized my skin. I put on deodorant. I brushed my teeth and gargled. I put on some light blue pants and rolled them up at the bottoms, then I put on a mint green, long sleeved, button down shirt on. I then put on mint green shoes to match. I tied up the laces. Next I put my hair in a bun and did my bangs to the side and put my make-up on and perfume.

I put my shades on and grabbed my purse. I went down stairs and waited outside. I noticed I still needed a few things. I put on a gold necklace, a gold watch, and some gold earrings.

Just as I finished, Rodrigo pulled up. I got in the car with him and said hello.

"Hey. You look nice. Like a sexy ass mint." he said. I had to laugh. "I like that you can laugh at yourself."

"I like that you can make me laugh" I said with a smile.

"Awww. got me feeling all special and shit." he blushed as he drove to a nice house. We got out the car and walked into the house. He lead me to the couch.

"I like this. It's nice." I said.

"Thanks. My dad bought enough land to have a house, a yard, and some extra space on." he said as he sat down with a bottle of coke and some hot Cheetos.

"Dang. My granny left us a house. If she hadn't, we would be living in the two bedroom apartment we were in" I said.

"Don't you got a big sister?" he asked.

"Yea. Celeste Jones." I said.

"Oh. She look like you. Y'all both got those cwute widdle chubby cheekies." he said in what I'll assume was his attempt at a baby voice.

"Don't ever do that again" I said with a chuckle as I popped a hot Cheeto into my mouth.

"Okay I'll try." he said as he poured soda into my cup.

Rodrigo POV

I feel so bad for how I treated her when I first met her. She was minding her own business when I had to come and ruin it. After she told me about her dad, I felt like crap. She already has problems at home and I had to be another problem.

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