About Charmed

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I'm Charmed Quanae Jones. I'm 14 years old. I'm light skinned. I have long dark brown hair. Big brown eyes. Full lips. I'm 5'3 and I'm over 230lbs. I know I'm big. Don't tell me.

I have big breasts. I have wide hips. I have a huge ass and I have a nice personality. I have a bit of a belly and love handles. For this, I get made fun of every day.

I just finished junior high and will be starting high school in three days. I'm dreading it so much. I'm going to get made fun of even more this year than last year because I've gained 10 pounds.

I live with my mom and her husband. My dad is a white man and he knows nothing of me. My aunt told me he was a nice guy and that he would be nice to my fat ass. Yes she calls me fat. Everyone in my family calls me names. They might be worse than the kids at school.

My mom is black and Mexican and has caramel skin and is thin but really shapely. Wide hips, big ass, huge breasts. She has shoulder length hair and light brown eyes. I look a lot like her but fatter.

My big sister is a senior. She makes fun of me too. We have different dads. Her dad was Puerto Rican. We don't look much alike in my opinion. Mostly because she is thin and looks a lot like her dad and I'm fat and look a lot like my mom.

The man my mother married made her the way she is. She has been married to him for four years and he was never failed to call me every single name in the book. My mom calls me names too. She doesn't say anything to my big sister Celeste. Celeste calls me names just like them.

I have three aunts and two uncles. That's six kids. My grandma died three months ago. Nobody knows that she left me over $100,000 and I doubt I would get to keep it if they did. My family are greedy and money hungry assholes that will do and say anything to hurt your feelings if they don't like you.

I just don't know why they don't like me. I try to be nice and respectful. I try to help them and compliment them. They just can't stand me. Probably because I'm fat and grandma loved me and not my sister or any of my cousins.

I lived with her every year for three months. I would eat so much at her house. She just kept feeding me. It caused me to gain weight and eat a lot at home. I would get in trouble and get put on punishment for overeating. It was sad really.

My step dad is a dark skinned man. He has big black lips and a muscular physique. He has slanted brown eyes and facial hair. He is tall and intimidates anyone he comes in contact with. I hate him and I hope he dies. He turned my own mother against me and makes my life hell every day.

My life isn't all that bad though. I have my room in the attic. It's spacious and you have to go to a door then you see a hall and stairs just to get to my room. Nobody ever comes to my room. I'm glad because the people in my house are not welcome.

The house is a three story. Downstairs is where my parents room is. Upstairs is where my sister's room and the guest room is. The attic is mine.

We are not super rich. We aren't poor either. We are middle class thanks to grandma and my mom and her husband's job. This is grandma's house. It is paid for and will continue to be paid for for the next five years. My mom works as a phone sex operator and her husband works as a bouncer at numerous clubs.

My big sister has a job at foot locker at the moment. I babysit for our neighbors. I make up to $80 a week on that. I use that to buy myself clothes and shoes and make-up. I may be fat, but I'm definitely not about to walk around in no cheap raggedy old clothing. Charmed don't play that.

I also spend most of my money on clothing because I know my mom and sister and that ugly ass nigga would never buy me nothing. If they did, it would be part of a joke for me to lose weight. It's like they get off on bringing me down. It's sad.

I am a strong believer in carma. My parents and sister are going to have some bad shit happening to them. Right now, I feel like I'm receiving bad carma. I don't know why because I'm nice and i don't bother anybody. I try to do things for people when I can.

Maybe carma needs some carma cause I feel like that bitch is picking on me. Shit. I'm sick of this shit. It isn't fair.

Maybe life just isn't fair. But damn! Really? I have to live in a house with people who could care less how I feel? It's shameful.

I hate the way I look. I try to be nice to people but they are just rude to me. It hurts my feelings. I guess that's that's just the way it is.

"Charmed! Get your fat ass down here and wash these damn dishes!" ugh. I gotta go. Mom calling. See you next chapter.

Hey all! I know this is short. Don't worry this was just an introduction. This will be a series. An eleven book series that I plan to have done before the end of the summer. Hope you like it so far. It gets better. Vote and comment. Thanks.

Being Big 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora