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I have been here for three days. It has been fun. I have never had this much fun before. She made me laugh and brought up my self esteem.

As for Hercules, I can't lie, he does have me feeling some type of way. That nigga hella nice. He treats me like a regular person unlike everyone else at my school.

School? I haven't been there since I been in the hospital. It's fine with me. I hate school now. If that's how that shit works, I don't need to be there.

I don't know what my sister or my parents have done. I really don't care. I bet they are much happier without my fat ass in the house.

I have to go home tomorrow. I don't want to. Me and Sonia have so much in common and she doesn't judge me for my cravings for sugar cookies at weird times.

I told her about how Rodrigo helped me and we saw him at McDonald's. I hugged him and thanked him again. I think me and Rodrigo have become cool. I sure hope so.

I took a shower and put on some black boy shorts and my pink v neck t shirt. I went down stairs to get something to eat. My hair was all over my head. I mean it was down but it was kinda wild. Anyway, I was in the kitchen eating a spoon full of nutella, when someone put there hand in my shoulder.

"You should really share Dorthyyyy" It was a weird voice and it sounded squeaky as hell.

I turned around to see Sean looking at me with his face all twisted up. Now let me tell you why I jumped and screamed. First of all I suffer from light paranoia. Second of all that shit looked so fuckin ugly and scary. He lucky I didn't have a heart attack.

He laughed at my little scary ass and pouted his lips and then took the damn jar of nutella. I chased him down to the basement. It was dark down there and I couldn't see shit.

I followed the weird smacking noise I was hearing. I stopped and got my phone out my bra. I flashed it in whomever this was. I saw Sean in the corner with his mouth covered with Nutella. He looked over at me and hissed. I busted out laughing at his little act and snatched it from him. I tried to run but that athletic motherfucker grabbed me.

"Give me the Nutella and you won't get hurt he said trying to sound like a police officer.

He was trying to grab the jar but I elbowed him medium force in his rib cage and he hissed. I ran up three stairs before his ass got me and picked me up and took the precious Nutella. I turned to see him running back to his corner. I shook my head. I gave up.

"Doodie head!" I said before going back up the stairs and trying to open the locked door. "It's locked Sean.

"I have the key. I'll share the Nutella with you. c'mon Charmed." he said.

"Fine." I sat beside him and he handed me the jar. I dipped my tiny fat finger in and scooped out a lot and quickly put it in my mouth.

"You like?" he then started smiling.

"Mmmhmmm" I said as I worked on swallowing the big mouthful.

"I think you bit off more than you could chew" he said with a slight chuckle.

"Swallow" I said as I downed the last bit.

"Hahahahaha!" he laughed loud and then I got why he was laughing and face palmed.

"Oh god. You dirty for laughing at that shit. You know I ain't mean it like that." I said.

"Yea whatever. hahaha" he laughed some more and. then got up and left with me trailing behind him.

He went back in the kitchen and I went upstairs to Sonia's room. I went in her bathroom to make sure I didn't have nutella on me. I didn't so I licked my sweet chocolate tasting lips and went to sleep.

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