The New Girl Gets The Alpha As Her Mate 4

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The music was blaring over the constant chatter of the half drunken teenagers. I just wandered around looking at all the different styles that they wear down here. Most girls were wearing skinny jeans with Ugg boots over them. Some were wearing rainbow flip-flops but pretty much everyone wore t-shirts. I felt a little over dressed with my dress on but it's ok. I would get flirty smiles from the guys and either dirty scowls or friendly smiles from the girls. I saw Aiden getting me a coke but right when I was going to head towards him someone tapped on my shoulder.

"Hello there" a boy that looked about my age said sweetly. He had blond hair and blue eyes but something about him seemed, off.

"Hi" I said back, waiting to see were this was going.

"My names Calden but you can call me Cal" he said.

"My name is Nicolette. You can call me whatever you want though"

"I think I'll call you Nicky. Do you want to dance Nicky?"

"Ummmm I..."

"She's here with me Calden" A deep voice rumbled from behind me.

I looked behind me and saw Aiden standing there with two cokes.

"Thank you" I said grabbing my coke from his hand ", and yes I came here with Aiden" I said trying to be polite to Aiden.

"Well even if you came with him, you could go home with me" Cal said grinning mischievously.

I swear I heard a growl come from Aiden but I am sure I heard wrong.

"Ha-ha, your funny, but seriously I did come with Aiden so he will be taking me back to my house tonight," I said clearly, so he would know that I was not going home with Aiden.

"We'll see" Cal said walking away.

"So you want to dance?" Aiden said motioning towards the gyrating bodies around the campfire in case I couldn't hear him over the music.

"Sure" I said putting my drink down and walking a little ways with Aiden. Aiden reached out and gently took my hand in his. I felt almost a shock type feeling but it turned into a warm tingly sensation just as quick. I think he felt it to but he kept a composed face. I was blushing so it was good that he was getting behind me. He put his hands around my waist and slowly began to sway side to side. I pressed up against him and just enjoyed being close. But of course, as soon as it began it had to end.

"So I see the new girl found her way to the party," said a squeaky annoying voice.

"Yes Ericka, I'm enjoying myself quite thoroughly," I said smiling at Aiden.

"Aiden, I think we need to talk sweetheart," Ericka said smiling towards me. Please say no. Please say no.

"Alright, I'll be right back Nicolette, don't go too far. M'kay?" Aiden said looking me in the eyes.

"I mean, where would I go?" I said non-chalontly. Really, I was getting mega jealous, but did not want to give Ericka the satisfaction.

Ericka and Aiden walked away and as soon as they were out of sight, I decided to walk around. I found myself on the other side of the house staring at the moon.

"It's beautiful isn't it Nicky" a husky voice said from behind me. I giggled a little at the nickname for my nickname.

"Hmm, yes it is Cal" I said sweetly back.

"I've always loved looking at the moon and the stars here. You can't appreciate the stars until you're in the country. No lights sometimes make life clearer." He said sounding deep in thought.

"I guess that's true. So what brings you around here?" I say motioning towards the absence of people.

"Well I saw Aiden wander off with Ericka and I didn't want you to be alone. He is stupid to leave you alone." I guess it was kind of sweet that he was wandering about me.

"Yea, well, I'm sure he's just telling her no again". I said, hoping the words were true.

"Maybe, I guess that's positive thinking. However, Ericka is a slut and she usually gets what she wants. I should know, I'm her brother." He said sadly.

"OMG! You are her brother! Yall are not anything alike," I stated honestly.

"I know, but really" he said placing his hand in mine "I feel like you are something special and I do not want Aiden's and Ericka's issues to taint your personality." His words were sweet somehow, but I did not feel the sensations I felt when I held Aiden's hand. Suddenly there was a thrashing around and I looked behind me to see Aiden being held back by Cole and some random guy with Ericka smiling behind them.

"Haha, nice Calden" Ericka said laughing.

"I leave you alone for a minute and you run of behind the house with Calden? What the f***!" Aiden roared. I got really scared as Aiden started shaking. I remembered that my hand was in Cal's so I quickly let go and Cal got in front of me.

"Go chill out man. We weren't doing anything, and even if we were you were with Ericka." Cal said smoothly.

"Fine, go f*** Cal. See if I care!" Aiden yelled.

"It's not like that Aiden! We were just talking," I said honestly. But I still felt bad about holding hands with Cal"

"Yea well if you were just talking then that's not the kind of girl I want to be with" He said angrily and threw the boys off of him and stormed away.

"Well that went smoothly," Cal said. "It looks like you will be needing a ride home".

"This night, it didn't go as I planned" I said not quite believing what just happened.

"Come on" Cal said leading me to his car. "I'll get you home, your carriage awaits" he said pointing to a hummer.

"Well, I guess the night can only get better from here" I said sighing. I walked with Cal and got into the car, wishing I was riding home with Aiden.

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