The New Girl Gets The Alpha As Her Mate 3

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"What am I going to wear?" I grunted rummaging through my closet while stomping my feet.

"Sweetheart, what in the world are you doing? You sound like an elephant" My mom chuckled stepping into my room.

"Well, I'm just trying to find an outfit" I said, trying not to sound excited.

"For what? We're just having pizza for dinner" my mom said clearly confused.

"Oh. That. No. Ummmm. A friend I made at school today is going to show me the town." I said smiling.

"Well that's wonderful honey" my mom said a little overly excited. "When do I get to meet her?"

Uh Ohhh. "Well, his name is Aiden actually" I said, trying to sound casual.

"Whose name is Aiden?" my dad said, coming in at just the right moment.

"A boy? I never thought you liked boys" My mom said sounding surprised.

"Yes mom. He is a boy and I do like some boys. And he's actually really cute so if you wouldn't mind, I need to find an outfit before I go on this outing in my sweats"

"Well just wear that pink dress I gave you last year. I sure don't think you're going to wear it anywhere else around this town." My mom said sighing.

"Wait one second" My dad said with a strong tone in his voice. "We don't know anything about this boy. What is his last name? How old is he? What do you know about him?"

"Ok. First father. His name is Aiden, but I don't know his last name yet. I assume he is my age because he is in my grade, so probably 17,18, or 19. And all I know is that he was outwardly nice to me when no one else was. He offered to show me the town and I agreed. Go do a background check or something on him if you want. You won't get any info out of me" I said defiantly. Gah I hate when he goes all game warden on me.

He mumbled something that sounded like "that's not a bad idea" but I was still focused on clothing so I didn't pay it any attention. I decided to go with the pink dress because it was light pink and it showed just enough leg and just enough cleavage so that it was sweet and not slutty. I have a size 2 or 4 but, but a 0 waist so it showed my curves nicely. I finished it off with some sandals with gems on them. I heard the doorbell ring so I ran down the stairs and jumped at the door.

"Hey Aiden lets go" I said quickly trying to spare him from my father.

"Hold up Nicolette!" my dad yelled coming towards the front door.

"Hi my names Aiden and you must be the dad" Aiden said politely with his hand held out.

"Yes, my names Jim. So Aiden, do you not have a last name?" my dad said kind of sarcastically.

"Haha. Of course I do. Its Walker." He said, kind of quietly.

"Any relation to the Walker Plantation?" my dad said suggestively.

"Yep, that's my parents" Aiden said. But he didn't sound like it was a good thing.

"Well that's just great!" my dad said "I'm actually the new game warden in town. Nicolette may have told you. Anyway, this town has had some issue with wolves lately, and"

"Wolves daddy? I didn't know they were in the south?" I said, getting into the conversation.

"Yes. And I have heard that howling has been coming from yalls plantation for a while, so now I have an inside connection incase I need to put traps out. This is just the break I have been waiting for" my dad said excitedly.

"Well sir, I'm sure its just some wild coyotes but I'll definitely keep a look out" Aiden said sounding kind of nervous.

"Sounds good. Yall have fun now" dad said waving goodbye.

"We will, bye!" I said, escaping the house.

"Where do you want to go?" Aiden said walking beside me with his hands in his pocket.

"You're the one giving me the tour" I said nervously.

"Then I know the perfect spot" He said smiling glamorously.

He helped me into his rather large black jeep.

"Wow I love your car!" I said ecstatically.

"Thanks, I like yours too" He said hopping into the drivers seat. "I decided to leave the top on incase your hair was done. I hope that's ok"

"Of course, where are we going?" I said, getting curious.

"Ummm. A party. Is that ok?" He said, looking at me and reading my features to see if I was lying.

"Sure" I said pasting on a smile. "I love parties"

We drove in the car for a while making small talk. It was nice just being with him. He didn't try pulling any moves on me which was definitely good. We pulled up to a white house in the middle of the woods. It was hard to see the house through the flock of cars outside and I heard the loud thumping of music. There was a huge bonfire on the side of the house with tons of gyrating bodies around it. There were also people strung out throughout the house just talking and dancing.

"We're here" Aiden said with a huge smile on his face. "Oh, and I forgot to ask, do you drink?"

And here's where I lose most boys. "No, actually I don't, but I do drink coke." I said, waiting for the awkward silence or the attempts at getting me to have just a beer.

"Haha, sounds good. Ice?" He said, sounding genuinely happy to just get me a coke.

"You know it!" I said smiling. This was going a lot better than I had planned.

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