Back From The Dead

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Authors Note: my Cane muse is my literal man crush monday and i'm sure everybody else's Dave East. No this isn't no fanfiction I stopped those when I was 15. He's just a muse. Also, the love timeline for Yasmine and Cane is very fast so no I'm not rushing love doesn't have a timeline but actions do. Enjoy.

Numb.. is what you feel after every disappointment in life becomes the normal. This pain i'm feeling I can't even feel, i've cried all my tears out to myself only to remain strong for Jasmine. 3.. he was 3 years old and Bully was sick enough to do him the way he did. A 3 year old. Gunned down outside a daycare.. he was trying to get the both of them but Jasmine by instinct sucked behind the bush and grabbed Jashaun to late. She blames herself but what else is a 4 year old who knows no better suppose to do, I told her it wasn't her fault because it wasn't it was mine. I should've been there to take those bullets for him. I should've been the one to give my life for him. It should've been me instead of my innocent brother. This past week leading up to his funeral service has tested my strength more than it should. How i'm standing here at this grave sight as they lower my brother into the ground is beyond me. All i see when I close my eyes is his dead body at the morgue when I had to come identify him, all I see is Jasmine covered in blood looking as out of it as I did the day my father got killed in my face. She held me so tight she never left me, still hasn't left my side. Social worker heard about it and with The Blacks being who they were seeing Cane she straightened herself up and said that we remain in safe care until the authorities catch Bully.. they're never going to catch that monster. My senses has heightened and now I'm on full alert mode. Aside from Jasmine, Cane and his family have been a great support system, his mother with her amazing cooking, Cade with keeping Jasmine company, Cassie with her kind words and hugs and Cane just being.. Cane, making sure I eat, sleep, have a clear mind and without him this week would've killed me. He handled everything and it was beautiful nonetheless. He's made up for the petty stuff in his office a week ago and i've completely threw it out of my mind. I just didn't know where to go from here, I just know I need Jasmine safe and with me always. I can't lose her too.
"You ready to go?" I turned my head slightly, he raised his hand to wipe my tears with his thumb and I sniffed turned around "yeah".
Getting back to the house his family was there and had food ready for everybody, it was a small get together so mainly the Blacks and Paige plus her boyfriend. I was on auto pilot, I didn't feel like talking. I didn't feel like moving and I didn't feel like eating but of course Cane wasn't going to let me starve. He puts a plate of food in front of me tilting my head up for me to look at him "eat, please" I nodded okay. It's like this day couldn't get any worse, until it got worse.
Daddy? I jumped up moving past Cane and the first thought that came in my mind was who the fuck let Barry in here but ... it wasn't Barry.
"Tr- .. " "hey Cane.." I creeped from the corner and finally seen his face, and I thought I was seeing a ghost, the person who I see at night, who I prayed to see another day, the person I swore got shot in the head.. and died in my arms. "but.. how-" They hugged and I just stood there completely stuck, frozen, this cant be happening. What the FUCK is going on? Then he looked at me and my heart completely dropped. Those eyes, their my eyes, their Jasmine eyes.. Jashaun eyes. It is him and I just stood there . "Yasmine.." My eyes started to water and I closed my eyes and started to back up "No.." "Yasmine please.." "I said No.." tears fell down my face and I turned around exhaling and heading towards the steps "this isn't happening." Getting to the bedroom I shut the door and slide down trying to catch my breathe "I can't do this, please God why are you doing this?"

Yasmine walks upstairs mumbling to herself that this can't be happening and I'm thinking the same thing. The person she's put in her head who died 6 years ago is standing in her face hugging my father and her sister.. After losing her brother and then now this, I need to make sure she doesn't find my spare gun and shoots herself. I needed answers first. Trevor stood there, clean, cut and fully recovered.. He looked rich and put together by the rolex on his arm shining the way it was. "I thought you were dead Trevor. Explain you fucking idiot! Where have you been? Do you understand how much pain you've been me through? Your kids? Yasmine?" "I know I.. after the shooting I swore I was dying I told Yasmine to run and get far from here, closing my eyes I waited for myself to die only for the ambulance to show up and take me to the hospital. They removed the bullet from the side of my head and my body.. i've been recovered since I was in the hospital for a year though." I folded my arms just thinking what took him so long? Does he not know what Yasmine is thinking right now, you left your daughter for 6 years. "why now?" He looks at me and his eyes popped out his head "damn Cane Jt you've grown. Look just like your dad" "so i've been told, my question." "I wanted to get my life on track for them, but it took me longer than I expected. Now I own a hotel, opening another one and just opened a new club." " tryna compete with us Trev?" "never man.. nobody could ever do it like the Blacks and that's a fact, you taught me everything I needed to know " "and then some .. man i'm so glad you're here under the worse circumstances " "yeah i know .. i seen it on the news and I couldn't believe that punk ass got my son and almost my babygirl, come here Jasmine" she looks at me scared and walks around the table coming towards me hiding behind me "she shouldn't know me.. but she knows me." "Don't be scared Jas" I said rubbing her back. " it's fine, i'll make up for it." "won't be that easy with Yasmine" I say as he nods agreeing "oh yeah I know.. what are you like her boyfriend Jr. ?" "he's yassy boyfriend" Jasmine says. He chuckles rubbing his beard "i always thought you two would click. Ironic" "I'm going to uh check on Yasmine, make sure she's not drowning herself in the bath tube."

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